Chapter 1007 Who Are You?
Su Wanyi turned her head to look at Ye Yuxian, but saw that Ye Yuxian didn't even look at Dayan's eldest princess.

At this moment, His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess stepped forward and said to Ye Yuxian, "I have met Your Majesty."

It can be seen that His Royal Highness the Princess knows Ye Yuxian, and knows that he is the Ghost Realm.

Ye Yuxian asked back: "Who are you?"

Hearing this, the pavilion master really wanted to slap Ye Yuxian in the face.

Did you introduce him just now?Turning around and asking who the other party is, isn't your intention too obvious?
"Dayan, Xue Luoping." The eldest princess directly reported her name, and then said, "We have met before, more than once."

Her Royal Highness the eldest princess speaks with dignity and generosity, giving people a feeling of confidence.

To sum it up, Su Wanyi is always a female bully, full of style of Yujie.

Judging from the content of her words and the look in her eyes, it is very likely that Ye Yuxian provoked her love.

And this Peach Blossom was not frightened by his identity as the Ghost Realm Sage.

Ye Yuxian replied: "I don't remember."

But Xue Luoping didn't believe Ye Yuxian's answer: "Your Majesty must remember it. Your Majesty's memory is extraordinary, and things that happened not too long ago won't be forgotten so quickly."

Ye Yuxian asked: "If I have to remember all the cats and dogs I have met, won't I be exhausted?"

When Ye Yuxian said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

There are still many people in Daqi who don't know Ye Yuxian's true identity. Even if Ye Yuxian once showed his cultivation during the civil strife in Daqi, no one has ever associated him with the Ghost Realm.

So at the moment everyone thinks that Ye Yuxian's behavior is strange and unflattering.

"Hey, who are you, dare to speak to His Royal Highness the eldest princess like that?"

Someone stood up to defend Her Royal Highness the Princess.

It's really Ye Yuxian's words that are too irritating, everyone's eyes will not say it, and he is very unsympathetic.

Her Royal Highness, the patriarch, took the initiative to talk to you, but you actually compared the other party to "a cat and a dog"!
Everyone in Qingyangmen was even more dumbfounded.

Along the way, Mr. Ye seemed quite talkative, why did he become so arrogant when he met His Royal Highness the eldest princess of Dayan?
Xue Luoping looked at the person who accused Ye Yuxian, and when she stretched out her hand, a silver needle flew out of her sleeve.

Before everyone could react, the silver needle pierced the man's chest, sealing the man's blood and preventing him from moving.

"This princess is talking to Your Majesty, there is no place for you to intervene."

Xue Luoping's words stunned everyone.

What's the situation?

That person helped the eldest princess speak, but instead made the eldest princess unhappy?

The pavilion master Gu Mian looked at the situation in front of him, one head and two big, and thought to himself: It's all caused by that bastard Ye Yuxian!It's okay, why are you so troublesome?Don't you know that it's a sin for a man to be handsome?
I knew that where Ye Yuxian was, nothing good would happen!
The troubles have already begun before they even go down to the imperial mausoleum!

But no matter how big the Pavilion Master is, he has to find a way to stabilize himself. As the Pavilion Master of the Xinglan Pavilion, no matter what happens today, he will bear the blame.

So the pavilion master smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, can you let go of your personal grievances with him, we still have to carry out the mission today."

"Naturally no problem." Xue Luoping smiled back.

Following the Pavilion Master, he gave Ye Yuxian another look, can't you bastard give me face?

(End of this chapter)

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