Chapter 1009 Feeling like I'm dying

Everyone was so shocked that their outsides were scorched and their insides were tender, and their souls flew out of their bodies.

Then the expressions of everyone in Qingyangmen changed from shock to panic.

Think about the bad things they said about the Ghost Realm along the way.

It feels like dying a hundred times!

It's over.

It's over.

They actually called him a bastard in front of Huang Quan Shengzun!
The Qingyangmen disciples could not help imagining their miserable death in their minds.

Lu Hongzhi buried himself where he wanted to.

He even said that he admired Sect Master Su!In front of someone's husband, he said he admired his wife!
Oh my god!
His ability to kill has reached its peak!

Just when everyone was ashamed and felt that the time for their own death had come.

Ye Yuxian did not follow up.

Really angry, they can't reach the capital.

At this time, Ning Yi came back to his senses, and he said to Su Wanyi: "When today's business is over, I will go to Su Mansion with Sister Su, and I want to take a good look at Runzhi now."

To be honest, Ning Yi is still looking forward to seeing a charming Zuo Runzhi who is willing to put on women's clothes.

Ning Yi whispered to Su Wanyi again: "Sister Su, you have to be careful of that Princess Eldest Princess, she is really powerful, I heard my father praise her before, saying that she is really powerful, courageous and resourceful. Both appearances."

"What are you telling me to be careful about? I didn't mess with her." Su Wanyi said.

"Sister Su, you can't fail to see that the way she looked at Ye Gongzi just now, she clearly wants to steal someone from you!" Ning Yi could see it, so it can be seen how straight the princess's eyes were when she looked at Ye Yuxian just now White.

"Steal? Is it something that my old lady can snatch?" Su Wanyi replied domineeringly.

As he said, he took Ye Yuxian's arm, "This bastard belongs to me, whoever robs me will be in a hurry."

After hearing this, Ye Yuxian couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Everyone in Qingyangmen looked at Ye Yuxian's smile, and felt emotional in their hearts. It's really no wonder that they were blind and couldn't recognize the Ghost Realm.

It's that the man in front of him is so different from the legendary Ghost Realm!

Don't say that age and appearance don't match the rumors.

Looking at the smile on his face, how can he look like the Ghost Realm?
What about cruelty?

What about ruthless and bloody violence?

The rumors are unbelievable, and they are harmful!

The intimacy between Su Wanyi and Ye Yuxian also did not escape Xue Luoping's eyes.

There was a distance between her and Ye Yuxian and the others, she walked in the front, while Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi were in the back.

Although she couldn't hear their conversation, Xue Luoping could see their expressions and movements clearly.

Naturally, the mood will not be too good.

Ye Yuxian doesn't remember her, but she won't forget him.

She remembers his every move, every frown and smile clearly.

No matter how the world evaluates Huang Quan Shengzun, in her eyes, he is the man who fascinates her the most in the world.

He is the only man who has moved her heart in the past 28 years.

Two months ago, she heard rumors that the Ghost Realm Lord and the first Patriarch Su Wanyi appeared in Daqin together, and the two fought side by side in Zilong Lake, and they have a close relationship.

She couldn't sit still anymore, she wanted to confirm the news.

However, the whereabouts of Huang Quan Shengzun have always been erratic, and it is very difficult to track him.

So Xue Luoping thought of Su Wanyi, Su Wanyi would return to Daqi sooner or later.

So this time she went to Daqi as an envoy, she specially came here in person.

(End of this chapter)

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