Chapter 1013 Jealousy
"It's your territory, behave well, and get that thing outside." Ye Yuxian ordered.

After speaking, he put his arms around Su Wanyi's waist and led her outside.

Everyone still didn't understand what happened to Ye Yuxian's operation.

Suddenly, the little black snake released by Ye Yuxian suddenly grew in size, and its body filled the entire cave below.

That was its lair in the first place, and its size was naturally about the size of its iron box.

Although Black Mirror didn't hurt others, the others were squeezed into a corner by Black Mirror, and they almost couldn't catch their breath.

A large area was staggered here and there, looking very embarrassed, and all of them were ashamed. They were either squeezed against the wall and rubbed against the wall, or their faces were covered by the dust raised.

Even the pavilion master Gu Mian and the eldest princess Xue Luoping were not spared.

Follow the black mirror and swim to the depths of the cave.

Everyone reacted after a moment of confusion.

What Ye Yuxian released was not a little black snake, but the original monster black mirror under the imperial mausoleum.

After everyone understood, they hurriedly left the cave.

When I got outside, I saw Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi looking at the scenery in a refreshing manner.

It was in stark contrast to the distressed people who came out of it at this moment.

The pavilion master was angry and annoyed, he ran to Ye Yuxian angrily and questioned Ye Yuxian: "Can't you let me know in advance?"

Ye Yuxian said: "Didn't I ask you if you mind if I mess up the imperial mausoleum? Isn't that an obvious hint?"

His reaction ability is poor, blame him?
The pavilion master was so angry that he wanted to cry.

Ning Yi, who came up from behind, waited for his head covered with dirt, and looked at his god-brother-in-law depressedly.

Hey, sad.

After all, he is also their godbrother!

He didn't even know all about him.

More people looked at Ye Yuxian in a daze, thinking that the giant snake just obeyed his orders.

The Ghost Realm Lord really can drive monsters as the rumors say!


This man is really terrible!

The disciples of Qingyangmen feel heavy hearted.

Thinking about what they said to Ye Yuxian and the others on the way to the capital, I felt like I was making crazy temptations on the verge of death again and again!
Xue Luoping looked at Ye Yuxian with complicated emotions.

It is difficult to describe her mood at this moment in a few simple sentences.

The scene that happened just now made her clearly understand the gap between herself and him.

The skills she learned were only superficial to him after all.

But before the giant snake grew bigger, Ye Yuxian's actions also deeply hurt her, like a steel needle pierced deeply in her heart.

That kind of tenderness, that kind of thoughtfulness, that kind of care.

Xue Luoping admitted that she was jealous, and it was the first time in her life that she was so jealous of someone.

She has been a strong person since she was a child, and she strives to be the best in all aspects. When she meets someone who is better than herself, she will tell herself to work harder and strive to surpass the other person instead of letting jealousy swallow her.

But when facing Su Wanyi who was being cared for by Ye Yuxian, her former rationality no longer worked.

A sense of powerlessness buried her deeply.

Xue Luoping's eyes on Ye Yuxian were so direct that everyone around could see that there was some way.

This seems to be a woman's obsessive gaze on a man.

So, does Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess like the Ghost Realm?

But it seems that only Su Zongzhu is in the heart of the ghost domain saint!

(End of this chapter)

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