Chapter 1033 The Mysterious Biological Father
Ye Yuxian could see that the old man's attitude was decisive, and he would not explain the ins and outs of the matter to him unless he returned to Huangquan.

So I asked another question: "How did my biological father die?"

After a while of silence, the old man replied, "Death was an untimely death."

Died unintentionally.

As a last resort.

Eagerly left the blood.

Ye Yuxian said: "Okay, you can tell us when we return to Huangquan."

"Thank you, young master, thank you very much, young master." The old man hurriedly thanked, and then said, "Then I will find a place to live next to me in the next few days, and I will wait for the young master's orders at any time."

After the old man left, everyone began to think about what the old man failed to explain just now.

Feng Ling said: "He does look exactly like the servant I saw in my memory."

Su Cheng said: "He didn't look like he was lying just now."

The old man's joy and sorrow are real.

Su Wanyi said: "If it's a lie, he can make up a more convincing reason, and the place he wants us to go is Huangquan, which is Ye Yuxian's territory. Even if he doesn't say it, we will go back sooner or later." Ghostland."

Even if the old man didn't show up, Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi would go back to Huangquan after a while.

Everyone's judgment was the same, they all felt that the old man was not lying, he should indeed be Ye Yuxian's biological father's entourage.

At this time, Bai Yunshan asked a question: "Who is the biological father of your lord? Why haven't I heard of such a powerful existence before?"

Ye Yuxian's biological father is like a huge mystery. So far, apart from inferring his own surname Ye from his child's surname Ye, almost nothing is known about him.

When Liusu learned that Ye Yuxian's biological father's servant had come to visit Ye Yuxian, she hurried over.

The old man had already left when she came.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Feng Ling was finally moved with compassion.

So he took her to the inn where the old man lived next door, and saw the old man.

Like Feng Ling, Liu Su recognized the old man at a glance.

Once, when the man came, the entourage appeared, but the entourage left soon.

Although it was only in a hurry, except for the time when Liusu was tricked by Chiyin Tianji, she had forgotten some of his memories. She remembered all other memories related to him clearly, and every picture was deeply engraved in her heart. superior.

Even an inconspicuous follower who appeared beside him, she still remembers it very clearly.

Seeing someone related to that person again, Tassel has mixed feelings.

Seeing Tassel, the old man was angry.

"You shouldn't have treated my little master like that!" As soon as they met, before Liusu could speak, the old man accused her.

The old man's accusation seemed to be the person's accusation against her, as if pushing her into hell.

"I'm sorry..." Liusu apologized.

"What's the use of apologizing? You failed the master's entrustment to you! If you didn't want to, you didn't have to agree to it! The master didn't force you! The master explained everything to you from the beginning!" the old man said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Apart from apologizing, Tassel had no other words to justify herself.

Seeing Tassel crying and apologizing, the old man sighed.

"Don't apologize to me, you have to apologize in the future when you go underground to meet my master before apologizing to him!" said the old man.

In the future, after she died, would she still be able to see him on Huangquan Road?

Tassel doesn't know.

 Well, today's update is over, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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