Chapter 1036 Dowry or dowry?

Where is A Ping Jingxiu's opponent? Jingxiu made him speechless. He couldn't do anything except stare blankly at Jingxiu.

"Xiu'er, being with me will hurt you." A Ping said in a deep voice.

"You coward!" Jingxiu said with a straight face, "I'll give you one last chance, anyway, I've put my words aside, I don't mind the things behind your back, if you still want to escape, run now. You After I run away, I will marry Sikong Yan right away, even though I don't like him, even though I may have to watch him have three thousand beauties in the harem after marrying him, at least I'm better than some coward who can only run away!"

"No! If he dares to treat you like that! I'll let Xiaoying poison him back to how he was before!"

Jingxiu didn't know what happened to Sikong Yan, but she could tell from Aping's anger that he cared about her.

"Are you in control? If you don't marry me, don't you allow others to marry me? I'm hugging the man who will marry me like I'm hugging you now!"

"No, no, no!" Ah Ping broke out completely.

"If you don't allow it, then what?"

"Then..." A Ping thought for a moment and said, "I have avoided it, and you are the one who provoked me again, so even if you are afraid, you are not allowed to run away."

He is resigned to his fate.

Jingxiu smiled.

The people hiding in the dark were also happy.

The commotion was so loud that Aping and Jingxiu both found a group of people peeping at them from the other end of the wall.

Jing Xiu hurriedly hid behind A Ping in embarrassment.

Ah Ping was also embarrassed. He lowered his head, scratched his head, and smiled embarrassedly.

Bai Yunshan smiled, half teasing and seven parts serious: "Okay, okay, don't hide, I have seen and heard, let me see, let your master get ready to propose marriage to Father Jing and Mother Jing! "

Ye Yuxian asked: "Dowry or dowry?"

A Ping was startled, why did the issue of dowry and bride price rise so quickly?

"Master, madam, let me take it easy, I... I'm not ready yet."

"You hugged her girl, we all saw it, do you want to admit it?" Zuo Runzhi asked.

"That's right." Bai Yunshan agreed.

Su Wanyi said: "Our ghost domain rules, we must be responsible."

Aping blinked and blinked: "Madam, Huangquan doesn't seem to have this rule."

Su Wanyi said, "No? I just decided."

Ye Yuxian said: "The madam of Huangquan has the final say."

Ah Ping:"……"

Jingxiu said: "What kind of son-in-law are you recruiting? I want to marry A Ping! Ah Ping will not be a son-in-law, that will imprison him."

You Xiu'er is still your Xiu'er.

Everyone admired Jingxiu's straightforwardness.

A Ping was both moved and at a loss: "Xiu'er, let's talk about our affairs slowly."

"The wedding can be postponed, but you are about to leave the capital and go back to Huangquan. The proposal cannot be postponed. You have to hurry up and propose to my parents." Jingxiu said.

Jingxiu's straightforwardness made everyone admire and envy her.

Bai Yunshan kicked A Ping resentfully: "If a girl said such things to me so recklessly, I would never just stand there in such a stupid way!"

Ah Ping seemed to have been kicked awake by Bai Yunshan, and hurriedly said to Ye Yuxian: "Master, I'll go to Jing's house and be right back."

Ye Yuxian replied: "I don't mind if you don't come back."

Xiaoying quickly said: "Hurry up! Stop stammering. You lost my sister-in-law by losing someone in front of my sister-in-law's family. I can't spare you!"

(End of this chapter)

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