Chapter 1041 Xuanwu Hall Master

"Okay!" Dai Bao nodded firmly, then picked up the pen and wrote two large characters on the paper.

Everyone hastily gathered together to watch.

After watching, everyone raised their foreheads one after another.

Or use Ye Yuxian to write it.

I really can't expect too much from Su Wanyi's son.

Daibao didn't understand why people were not satisfied with what he wrote.

He thought he wrote very well.

"Isn't it good to call it 'dining hall'?" Dai Bao asked with a pout.

How nice is the dining hall, a place to eat.

I am happy as soon as I enter the dining hall.

Ye Yuxian patted his son's head: "Daibao is not bad, he can already write the words "fan" and "tang."

I can write these two characters at the age of four, which is not bad.

"Daddy thinks that Daibao's writing is good, right?" Hearing what Ye Yuxian said, he hurriedly asked.

Su Wanyi wiped the sweat from her forehead, "I think your father's name is better, so let's not change it for now, and it would be quite troublesome to make a new plaque."

Compared to the canteen, it was still slightly better than the haunted house.

Calling a haunted house is not imposing, but it can also be scary.

What is it called a canteen?
Sure enough, you can't have too much hope for Daibao.

Skipping the matter of changing the name, everyone walked into the "haunted house" with doubts.

This palace is facing the Shenxing Continent, and the back is the ghost domain. Is it really safe?
After entering the haunted house, everyone's room has been arranged.

Especially those of Su Wanyi and Daibao.

Of course Su Wanyi stayed in Ye Yuxian's room.

As for Dai Bao, he didn't even have a place in the next room, so he was directly assigned to another hall.

Following Dongzi, he put a pile of account books in front of Su Wanyi.

Dongzi is the head of the Xuanwu Hall who has not been able to show up before.

It was during Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi's wedding that they met Su Wan for the first time.

After seeing Dongzi's appearance, Su Wanyi once questioned the assignment of these hall masters.

The tall and burly Ah Zhou became the head of the White Tiger Hall, and Su Wanyi felt that the head of the Xuanwu Hall must be a sturdy man no matter what.

It turned out... On the contrary, he was a scholar, a very literary scholar, the kind who would fall over when a gust of wind blows over him.

For this reason, Su Wanyi complained about Ye Yuxian.

There is a serious problem with his assignment, and it doesn't follow the characteristics of his subordinates at all.

Ye Yuxian said that this is all in order.

Otherwise, as the weakest of the four, how could Aping be the master of Qinglong Hall?
Not because he came early enough!
"What are these?" Su Wanyi asked Dongzi.

"Returning to Madam, these are all properties under the name of the master, including real estate, shops, and a list of gold, silver and jewelry stored in the warehouse. The master has ordered that all his properties will be handed over to Madam." Dong The son replied.

Hearing this, Su Wanyi glanced at Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian touched his nose.

Su Wanyi briefly looked through the account books and came to two conclusions.

One, Ye Yuxian is really rich;
Two, the properties are well cared for.

Su Wanyi continued to ask Dongzi: "Did you take care of all these in the past?"


"Then you will continue to take care of it from now on. Just report to me every month."

"Yes. This subordinate takes orders."

After Dongzi completed his task, he withdrew.

Su Wanyi turned her head, walked up to Ye Yuxian, and hooked Ye Yuxian's chin.

"The child's father is really rich, and the child and I will not have to go hungry in the future."

Ye Yuxian grabbed Su Wanyi's unruly hand, "Don't tease me."

"How can my husband be considered molesting?"

(End of this chapter)

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