Chapter 1052 The sinner who once followed the Ye family

The little girl's eyes were red, and the corners of her eyes were filled with tears.

Dai Bao handed the little girl a handkerchief, "Little sister, don't cry, wipe it for you."

The little girl didn't dare to reach out to pick it up, and whispered back: "Thank you...thank you niece is dirty, she will stain my brother's handkerchief."

The little girl is cautious and timid.

Dai Bao said: "It's okay, the handkerchief is just for wiping, and you can wash it when it gets dirty."

The little girl looked at Daibao, but still didn't dare to pick it up.

At this time, the men who were beaten by Daibao got up and pointed to Daibao and asked, "Who are you? Why are you meddling in your own business? Do you know who I am? I am the brother-in-law of the Lord of Qingshan City! Are you impatient with your life when you shot at me?"

Su Wanyi knew from Ye Zhen that the place they entered after passing through the ghost domain belonged to the domain of Qingshan City.

And the city lord of Qingshan City is the person in power here.

Dai Bao didn't care about that much, he put his hips on his hips, and replied ferociously: "You villain! My sister is so young! No matter who you are, you can't bully her like this! You are a big villain!"

The man sneered and said, "His grandfather owes me money, so of course I can beat her! If you meddle in your own business, I'll send you to the dungeon of the city lord's mansion! Let you be bitten to death by the rats in the dungeon!"

"You're so bad that you're going to be bitten by a mouse!" Dumb pouted angrily.

At this time, Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi had already walked in.

Seeing the child's parents appear, the man immediately turned to question them: "Are you the child's parents? You let the child beat me, and I will arrest you all in the dungeon!"

Children don't know the seriousness of the matter when they are young, so they can't be frightened.

But the adults should know how powerful he is, and the serious consequences of offending the relatives of the mayor's family, so the man thinks that his words can shock the parents of the children.

Ye Yuxian's answer was straightforward, he raised his foot and kicked it flying.

Of course, he has the ability to pay attention to control, and he didn't directly kill anyone.

After all, you are just here for the first time, so you still have to take it easy.

Before killing him, I have to apply some information, maybe it will come in handy.

The little girl was dumbfounded again.

She looked at the person in front of her in a daze.

Su Wanyi looked at the little girl, who looked even younger than Daibao.

But judging from what she said to Daibao just now, she should be a sensible little girl.

Su Wanyi stepped forward and wiped the little girl's face with Daibao's handkerchief.

The little girl looked at Su Wanyi timidly, not daring to move.

Following Su Wanyi, she saw the wound on the girl's body, the delicate skin was dripping with blood.

And not only new injuries, but also some old scars, indicating that she had been beaten severely before.

"What's your name?" Su Wanyi asked.

"Ninny." The little girl replied in a low voice.

"Why did this person beat you?" Su Wanyi asked.

"Ninny has no money." The little girl replied.

That's what the man said just now.Said that the little girl's grandfather owed him money.

In order to improve efficiency, Su Wanyi arrested the arrogant man's men and interrogated him.

The man saw the ferocity of Su Wanyi's family, so he would have been blasted, so he answered every question.

"The little girl's grandfather is surnamed Huangfu, and he is a repeat offender."

"Why is the surname Huangfu a repeat offender?"

"Of course the surname Huangfu is a repeat offender! You don't even know this, do you?"

"What are you talking about, say it quickly!"

"The Huangfu family is one of the three families of criminal officials who follow the Ye family!" The man hurriedly replied.

(End of this chapter)

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