Chapter 1056 The Strongest Bloodline

Su Wanyi laughed when she heard the words: "If you really want to be ashamed, you have been out for a whole day and haven't returned, why haven't people from the City Lord's Mansion come to look for you?"

Zhang Xinren panicked even more: "Who the hell are you guys! Do things so arrogantly and domineeringly!"

Do things arrogantly?

Is this arrogant?Where is this!
Su Wanyi picked up the whip on the side, and slammed it down on Zhang Xinren.

Zhang Xinren cried out in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Su Wanyi asked.

Zhang Xinren's facial features were distorted by the pain, and he nodded quickly.

"You brought this whip, and you used this whip to whip your daughter just now."

"I can't smoke with your strength. If I want to smoke like this, that little girl will die!"

"Then how old are you and how old is she?"

Zhang Xinren was speechless immediately.

"Let me ask you, are you also responsible for the old injuries on Nannan's body?" Su Wanyi asked.

"So what if I beat them? They haven't paid the money, so of course they should be beaten. If they don't whip them, how do they know how much strength they still have, and how do they know that they should work harder?"


Su Wanyi immediately whipped Zhang Xinren again.

Zhang Xinren looked at Su Wanyi in horror.

Su Wanyi said: "If you don't whip and whip you, how do you know how strong your ability to be beaten is?"

Followed Su Wanyi to smoke again.

At this time Ye Yuxian came over and took the whip from Su Wanyi's hand.

Helped Su Wanyi to twitch.

Make sure that every wound is bruised, but it won't kill people with a few whips.

Be just right.

Zhang Xinren finally woke up, and after a while of convulsions, he passed out again.

The two men he brought looked at the situation in front of them and shivered.

"Hero, spare your life, hero, spare your life! We are only doing things according to orders! This Zhang Xinren is relying on his sister to be favored, so he acts recklessly, and there is nothing we can do about it!"

"That's right, hero, what's more, the grandparents of the Huangfu family are sinners. No one cares if they are beaten to death. No one dares to speak for them. Otherwise, they might be taken as accomplices and arrested together!"

"Although the Ye family has been extinct for more than 20 years, because that family is so powerful, the higher-ups are still worried that someone will miss the Ye family and have a rebellious heart, so this aspect is strictly controlled."

The former Ye family was a myth, and Ye Yuxian's biological father was a legend.

And all of this is like a sharp knife hanging over the heads of all the people involved with the Ye family.

"Is the Ye family very powerful?" Ye Yuxian asked.

Hearing this question, the two subordinates were very confused.

"Young master, don't you know about the Ye family?"

"I just came out of the mountain, so I haven't seen the world." Ye Yuxian replied.

It turned out that this is the case, no wonder this person acted so unreasonably and played his cards out of common sense. It turned out that he had been isolated from the world before.

One of the subordinates replied: "The blood of the Ye family is known as the strongest blood. The Ye family has extremely strong talent and vitality that ordinary people cannot surpass. It's just that the blood of the Ye family is extinct now. The previous head of the Ye family is the last one." After his death, the Ye family completely disappeared from this world."

"It is said that the bodies of all the Ye family members have been identified. Only a servant next to the head of the Ye family has not found the body. But even if they are still alive, there will be no waves."

(End of this chapter)

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