Chapter 1058 I don't intend to hinder you from robbing

Ye Yuxian bought a carriage from a nearby family to transport Zhang Xinren and the others.

On the carriage, Su Wanyi began to put on makeup, adding something to her face.

Because Su Wanyi just learned from these two subordinates of Zhang Xinren that the Lord of Qingshan City is an out-and-out womanizer.

He has a history of robbing people's daughters and kidnapping wives, but whoever he likes will be taken to the house by any means.

Su Wanyi didn't dare to say how good-looking she was, but she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble either.

Anyway, it doesn't take much effort to add a big birthmark to one's face.

It is a long way from Huangfu Liang's house to the bustling city.

Unlike the situation where the Shenxing Continent is composed of four countries, this is a continent full of cities and without the concept of a country.

The city is self-governing, and the city lord is the lord of one side.

In this case, many mercenary groups were born.

They take money to do things, whether it is an individual or a city, as long as they can afford the money, they will help them do things.

Business travelers will travel back and forth between different cities to trade and buy.

Along the way, Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi saw several merchant groups and mercenary groups.

After passing a few more villages, the carriage stopped.

There are two teams of people fighting in front of them, and they are fighting hard.

The way forward was blocked by these two groups of fighting people.

If they go over now, they will undoubtedly be involved in the battle.

The carriage stopped at the same spot, Ye Yuxian planned to wait for the people in front to finish playing and the game was over before continuing on.

Anyway, they are not in a hurry.

After a quarter of an hour, the battle ahead finally came to fruition.

One party completely defeated the other party and even tied them up.

It can be seen that the defeated party seems to be a mercenary group, and they were hired to escort a batch of goods to Qingshan City.

And the other side should be robbers.

The robbers won and are dividing up the goods.

He also tied up all the members of the mercenary group.

Men and women were divided into two piles, the men were sold as slaves, and the women were sold to brothels.It's a lot of money.

At this moment, the robber leader noticed the carriage parked behind them.

Several people stared at the dilapidated carriage supported by Ye Yuxian with weird eyes for a while.

This carriage looks very old and dilapidated, and it doesn't look like it is owned by a rich man.

There is no way, Ye Yuxian can only buy this kind of carriage in the suburbs, and those who can afford luxury carriages will not live in remote suburbs.

The captured mercenary group also noticed the carriage parked not far away.

The young man driving the car is handsome and unparalleled in appearance, but the broken carriage behind him reveals his poor background.

Is this man a fool?Seeing such a big battle, they just stopped in place.

How about taking advantage of their confusion and turning around and leaving?

The robber leader came up with two men.

"You're quite courageous. When I saw Lao Tzu working here, I didn't even run away."

The leader of the robbers had a big beard and a big knife in his hand, looking fierce.

Do all robbers in the world have a unified aesthetic?

Or do they think this outfit is more conducive to scaring the enemy and helping to increase their success rate of robbery?

"I don't intend to hinder you from robbing, you continue." Ye Yuxian replied.

"What? You said you didn't interfere, so you didn't interfere? Dare I show you a play for free?" The robber leader was happy.

(End of this chapter)

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