Chapter 1064 Ye Family's Treasure

A person next to him explained: "There is no way to do this. Who made the former Ye family so powerful that after more than 20 years, the older generation can't help showing awe when they mention the Ye family."

Qu Hefeng sneered, "Those old people are too timid. If someone with the surname Ye is really that powerful, why would they be wiped out?"

"Master Hefeng is right! The rumors must be exaggerated."

Everyone hurriedly echoed.

"Master Hefeng, I also heard that this time our Qingshan City is conducting talent selection, not only to select members of the guard team, but also to gather people to search for the treasure of the Ye family back then. Is it true?"

The Ye family is already extinct.

But the Ye family has been prosperous for so many years, needless to say the accumulated wealth.

Among them, there are even more mouth-watering natural enemies.

The Mingfeng gun used by that man back then has not been found yet.

He must have hidden the gun somewhere before he died.

And recently, they discovered a place that was probably the old house of the Ye family.

It is very likely that the treasure of the Ye family is hidden there. If you are lucky, you may be able to find the whereabouts of the Mingfeng gun.

This is so tempting that every city has already started to act.

Naturally, it is impossible for their Qingshan City to fall behind.

In order to stand out from the competition among many cities, the first thing is to gather the masters in the city to form a strong and competitive team.

Qu Hefeng thought for a while, "There is such a thing, when the time comes, my father will go there in person. Even if we can't find the legendary Mingfeng gun, it would be good to get some treasure back."

"Master Hefeng, please take us too!"

"Yes, yes, we also want to see the world."

"Even if you can't get it, it's good to see the wealth of the Ye family back then."


Several people begged Qu Hefeng one after another.

Qu Hefeng was in a bit of a dilemma because he knew that although he was his father's son, he was not the only son of his father, and he didn't hold that much weight in his father's heart.

This action is very important to his father, he will not take the oil bottle with him.

But in order to maintain his image in everyone's mind, Qu Hefeng still agreed.

"I can help you talk to my father, but you have to behave well and not embarrass me." Qu Hefeng said.

"Master Hefeng, don't worry, who are we, how could we embarrass Master Hefeng!"

"Yes, yes, although we are not as good as you, Master Hefeng, we are much better than those in the guard."

Several people hurriedly said.

Qu Hefeng felt that what they said was also reasonable, they were all descendants of famous families, and they were no worse than those in the guards.

In the lobby on the first floor, the three members of Ye Yuxian's family were having lunch when a group of people walked in, who happened to be members of the iron-blooded mercenary group they met earlier.

As soon as the mercenary group entered the door, the waiter warmly greeted them.

"Hey, Master Tie, what brought you here? Is this another big deal?"

The Jagged Mercenary Group is a frequent visitor to this restaurant.

As a mercenary, the risk is high and the income is also high. It is not a problem to eat popular food and drink spicy food every day.

Tie Shengxuan smiled: "No, it's just some ordinary work, just a living."

The shop waiter knew that the other party was being modest, and said with a smile: "Master Tie, the box upstairs is ready for you, and I will take you up there."

(End of this chapter)

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