Chapter 1066 If you get the Mingfeng gun, you will be able to gain both fame and fortune
There is an unknown danger hidden in that house, so so far, no force has dared to act rashly.

Everyone is still waiting and watching. Those who act first may not necessarily have an advantage, and they may pave the way for those who come later.

But it's too far back, and things go into other people's pockets.

So it's important to be prepared and choose the right moment.

Tie Fengyi pondered and said: "But father, the city lords of the various cities will definitely not miss such an important event. They will definitely gather the most powerful people to fight for it."

If it's just some treasures, it's fine, it's the Ye family's former treasure place, and it is very likely that the Mingfeng gun that has not been found after the death of the last head of the Ye family is hidden there.

The attraction of Heaven and Earth Divine Weapon is too great, no one can resist it.

I'm afraid even the grown-up would want it.

Tie Shengxuan said: "That's right, but we don't have no chance at all. No matter what, we have to give it a try."

Others agreed.

Tie Steward said: "That's right, although our iron-blooded mercenary group is not ranked high enough among many mercenary groups, we are united enough. In that case, it doesn't necessarily mean who is the strongest, the largest number of people must have an advantage." of."

Tie Fengyi said: "Father, then I want that young master from just now to join our mercenary group even more. He is so powerful. With his help, our chances of winning will be even greater."

Tie Longshan teased her when he heard the words: "Sister Fengyi, don't you like that young master? Seeing that he is young, handsome and well-cultivated, I can't help but be tempted? Then I can advise you, he is Those who have wives and children, even if they are ugly and ugly, are still legitimate wives, you can't be tempted to be a concubine for others."

Tie Fengyi's face was sullen, and she didn't like to listen to her cousin's words.

Tie Fengyi said: "Don't talk nonsense, I simply think he is a talent, and I want to recruit our iron-blooded mercenary group. If you have the ability to practice better than him, then I won't mention it!"

Tie Shengxuan said: "I agree with Feng Yi's proposal. That young master does have some skills. If he can recruit him, we will have a better chance of winning in this fight for the treasure of the Ye family."

Tie Longshan said: "But uncle, you and Feng Yi have already invited him? He refused, so shameless, why are you sticking your hot faces on his cold ass!"

Tie Shengxuan shook his head: "As an expert, it's not easy to get him. We must be prepared to visit the thatched cottage. I'll ask him again another day. If it doesn't work, then let it go."

Since it was Tie Shengxuan's intention, the others had no objections.

Tie Longshan said full of longing: "If we find the Mingfeng Gun, wouldn't we be famous all over the world?"

Tie Fengyi smiled and said: "It's not just famous all over the world! If you get the Divine Weapon of Heaven and Earth, you will be able to gain both fame and fortune, but whatever you want now but haven't got, Mingfeng Divine Spear can bring it to you."

Saying that, the eyes of everyone in the Jagged Mercenary Corps were ignited with hope.

Following Tie Shengxuan, they arranged tasks for the next few days.

They need to be fully prepared for the coming time.

Tie Fengyi said: "Then I will take advantage of these few days to buy some handy weapons and armor. We lost a lot of things after being attacked outside the city."

The iron steward said: "I'm going to buy food, and prepare more dry food and water."

(End of this chapter)

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