Chapter 1077 Two scumbags still want to climb high?

Qu Jingjiang apologized to Changsun Xun: "I'm sorry, the inferior soldier didn't know how to behave, so he offended Mr. Changsun."

Changsun Xun smiled slightly. Although he was a little surprised by the mistake, he was not unhappy.

"I didn't mention the collision, it's just that I misread it for the first time." Chang Sun Xun said.

"Master Changsun has a lot of them. Then I will take them back first." Qu Jingjiang said.

Chang Sun Xun nodded.

Qu Jingjiang glanced at Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi, "Hurry up and leave?!"

Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi cooperated very well, and they followed suit and left.

Changsun Xun looked at the backs of the two people going away, sighed and shook his head.

City Lord Changsun came over: "Xun'er, why do you want everyone to go together tomorrow? What if some people cheat and are unwilling to take the risk and send a few insignificant people up to die?"

"Then they may lose the opportunity to enter the house." Zhang Sun Xun said calmly, "This is a game. It may not be a good thing to go in first, but it will definitely not be good if you go late."

His son had long thought of what Changsun City Lord was worried about.

City Lord Changsun thought for a while, "If that's the case, then who should we send?"

There are three from each family, which three should they send to Suyue City?
"I will take one place, and you can take the remaining two as you like." Changsun Xun replied.

"What did you say?" Changsun City Lord looked at his son in surprise, "No, you can't go, it's too dangerous!"

But Changsun Xun said with a smile: "I have come here, why are you afraid of danger? Before I came, I advised my father not to get involved. It was my father who said that he would get the treasure no matter what. Since he wanted to get the treasure, how could he not take the risk?" How about risking it?"

"I can send other men down, it's too dangerous for you to go."

"Father is the lord of a city. When things happen, he should lead by example, rather than just sitting in a high position and ordering the people below to do things. A city lord who only knows how to order his subordinates to do things but hangs himself high will not last long. "Changsun Xunyu said to his father earnestly.

The eldest grandson, the city lord, was left speechless by his son.

In the end, I could only sigh and said: "Then you promise daddy, you must protect yourself, don't venture into it, don't take risks, daddy only has a son like you, don't let daddy white-haired man send black-haired man."

Chang Sun Xun said: "Life and death are fate, I try to live as long as I can, if God wants me to die, if I can escape today, I won't be able to escape tomorrow, Dad, please be careful."

"You child!" City Lord Changsun was angry and helpless, "In short, you take care of yourself, and I will send two of the most powerful masters in the city to go with you!"

Since there is no way to change his son's plan, the Changsun City Lord can only choose to protect his safety as much as possible.

On the other side, Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi were taken out of the meeting camp by Qu Jingjiang.

"Two lowly things who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, think that they can climb high branches? Why do you still think that my temple in Qingshan City is too small to accommodate the two of you? Don't weigh how much you weigh yourself!" Qu Jingjiang scolded them immediately.

Before Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi could open their mouths, Qu Jingjiang said again: "You two will go to the front with that old man from the Huangfu family tomorrow! Don't you really want to climb high? I'll give you this chance!"

It just so happened that Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi were about to go.

This saves trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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