Chapter 1079 It must be good luck
Just a few steps away, the rockery began to move.

Everyone's hearts were raised at once.

Then there are arrows shot from the moving rockery.

Everyone quickly dodges.

As arrows continued to shoot from all directions, people started to get hurt.

Arms, knees, chest, sharp arrows pierced one after another.

It is more than enough for Changsun Xun to dodge these arrows by himself, but others cannot.

Changsun Xun raised his sword and tried to split the rockery in front of him.

However, this rockery is not an ordinary rockery, it is so hard that Changsun Xun's sword can't cause any harm to it.

There is no way, the method of destroying the rockery does not work, Changsun Xun can only resist the flying arrows as much as possible.

After about 10 minutes, the arrow stopped.

The rockery didn't move either.

Everyone held their breath, not daring to relax.

After a while, there was still no movement in the rockery, and everyone was sure that it really stopped.

"It should be that the arrow is gone." Someone judged.

"Treat the injured person's wound quickly." Someone reminded.

So everyone hurriedly began to treat the wounds of the injured people.

Nearly one-third of the people suffered arrow wounds to varying degrees. Some were lucky enough to only scratch the skin, and some were seriously pierced through the chest by a sharp arrow.

Tie Fengyi's cousin, Tie Longshan, had his arm pierced by an arrow and was enduring the pain to bandage it.

All that happened in the fake mountain forest, everyone outside could see it from the hillside in the distance.

Seeing that his own disciple was injured, the people waiting outside were also anxious.

Qu Jingjiang was not worried, the three he sent out were sent to die, and they died as soon as they died, they were worthless.

"Father, none of the three of them were injured, what luck!" Qu and Zhu said to Qu Jingjiang.

Only then did Qu Jingjiang realize that the three people he sent out were all intact.

"It seems that luck is good, the position is good, and the arrows have pierced others." Qu Jingjiang sneered.

This is the only way to explain why the two underlings survived such a dangerous situation.

Qu Hefeng was also by Qu Jingjiang's side, and he quickly flattered his father with a smile: "Father, you are smart and know that this action is dangerous, so you sent three trash out to die to preserve your strength."

Qu Jingjiang said with a smile: "Most of the first wave of people are used to find the way, Changsun Xun is also true, the first wave is on his own, the ability is good, but it's a pity that he lacks some brains."

Qu Hefeng and Qu Hezhu quickly agreed: "That's right, that's right, what father said is true."

In the rock formation, everyone was bandaging, when suddenly a black liquid flowed out from the hole in the rock.

Everyone's hearts were raised again.

The liquid has a pungent taste.

Everyone thought it was poison at first, and quickly covered their mouths and noses.

Su Wanyi hurriedly said: "Go away, this thing is flammable! You won't die if you smell it like this, but it burns faster than anything else!"

This is petroleum crude oil, which occurs naturally.

In the eyes of everyone, Su Wanyi was just a low-level soldier with little ability, and her words could not arouse everyone's high vigilance like Chang Sun Xun's words.

What is flammable is not flammable, they think this dark liquid is more like poison.

So everyone covered their mouths and noses, while the liquid flowed on the ground, and many people's soles were stained with liquid.

Because through the shoes, everyone thinks there is no problem, as long as they don't let their skin get on it.

(End of this chapter)

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