Chapter 1081 Turned into a sea of ​​flames
Tie Fengyi glanced at Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi, and chose to trust them.

Because she has seen Ye Yuxian's ability.

So at her insistence, the three members of the Jagged Mercenary Group also found a rockery and climbed up.

When the three members of the Jagged Mercenary Group climbed up the rockery, oil and crude oil had already flowed all over the ground, and everyone's feet were stained.

Immediately after, a flame appeared on one of the rockery.

The flame spread rapidly along the black liquid, and the fire was extremely fierce.

In an instant, the flames turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Only then did everyone realize that what the woman with the birthmark on her face just said was true!
Everyone fled in a hurry, in a panic.

Those who react quickly can leave the ground before the fire spreads, and take refuge on the rockery like Ye Yuxian and the others.

The reaction was a little slow, and he hurriedly took off his clothes and shoes that were burned by the fire.

Then they followed Ye Yuxian's example and began to climb up the rockery.

But the number of nearby rockery is limited, and the number of people who can stand on a rockery is very limited.

Everyone scrambled to be the first, and under the threat of flames, their human nature was fully exposed.

However, someone was closer to the fire point, and his body was covered with oil, so he had no time to escape, and his body was instantly engulfed in flames.

The wailing sound was sharp and piercing.

When the people on the hillside in the distance saw the rockery array turned into a sea of ​​flames, their faces were pale and they were stunned.

What a vicious formation, it actually uses fire!
This time the vanguard suffered heavy losses, and the scene was unbearable to look at.

Some people cried bitterly, some were worried, and some were secretly happy.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

City Lord Changsun breathed a sigh of relief when he found that his son and the two masters were safe and sound.

Fortunately, the ones they sent from Suyue City were top-notch masters, and their reactions and actions were very quick, so they wouldn't be stumped by such an institution.

Tie Shengxuan also took a breath of strength.

But the Qu family father and son were surprised to find that the three people they sent out were lucky enough to escape again!

"What's the name of that couple?" Qu Jingjiang asked Qu and Zhu.

He began to wonder about the couple.

Qu and Zhu were stunned.

He didn't even know the names of the couple!
He never asked!

Thinking about two people who are insignificant, why ask their names?
With so many people under their command, if everyone had to remember their names, how could he remember them?

"This... I don't know, I'll ask later." Qu and Zhu could only answer truthfully.

"This time you found a good person. Seeing that they have some skills, it's a bit wronged to be a lowly soldier. When they come back this time, you can make them a small captain." Qu Jingjiang said.

"Yes, yes, father is absolutely right." Qu and Zhu said hurriedly.

Seeing that Qu and Zhu had been praised, Qu Hefeng, who was standing next to him, looked unhappy.

Their brothers have always been at odds.

Chen Yu, who was following behind, felt mixed feelings when he heard Qu Jingjiang's words.

The flames in the rockery are still burning.

The smoke was a bit smoky, Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi, Huangfuliang and the others covered their mouths and noses with handkerchiefs moistened with water.

The water was in the water bag that Ye Yuxian carried.

Not only did he bring water, he also brought food.

I don't know when this was a habit, but whenever he went out with Su Wanyi, he would bring food so that someone could eat if he was hungry halfway.

Especially now that Su Wanyi is pregnant with a child, she gets hungry very easily.

(End of this chapter)

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