Chapter 1083 Who is weak and who is right now?
Everyone looked at Changsun Xun in unison.

Chang Sun Xun frowned.

A master he brought retorted immediately: "No, you can't fly with the sword. This is something that someone has tried before. It doesn't work, and they paid the price of their lives for it. If you want to pass here, you can only fly according to the design. The established rules are broken."

This is the mechanism left by the former Ye family. Those who enter the mechanism must break it according to the setting of the mechanism.

Yujian flying over the rockery forest is an act of breaking the rules, and the consequences are very serious.

If it was feasible, someone would have done it long ago, and there are not a few sect families who have reached the realm of godly movement and can fly with a sword.

Obviously this is a method that has long been proven unworkable.

"But Mr. Grandson, we are seriously injured now, and it is too dangerous to continue going forward."

"Yes, yes, Young Master Changsun, why don't you give it a try. If you can pass, everyone will be happy. If you fail, you may not be in danger if you withdraw in time."

Some timid people quickly seconded, wanting Changsun Xun to find the way for them.

Knowing that it's a method that won't work, but you still need Chang Sun Xun to do it. It's not your own life, isn't it worth money?

Changsun Xun looked at these people with a sullen face, which was why he didn't like to be with them.

Ye Yuxian laughed, "Is it right now who is weak?"

They all come in to find treasures, so no one has the responsibility to protect anyone, right?

Ye Yuxian's words made those yelling angry.

"What's none of your business? What else can you do besides opportunism?"

The man who took the lead in yelling was Lu Yuanyong, the young lord of Huolian City. He came from an extraordinary background, but his cultivation was average.

The status at home is also very average, and this time he became a member of the vanguard to change his situation.

But he was timid and afraid of death. After seeing so many dangers, he panicked.

He doesn't want to lose his life. If his life is gone, what's the point of changing the situation?
Su Wanyi smiled lightly: "Even if you don't know how to fly with a sword, you can do it with ease. Jumping on rockery shouldn't be a problem. Why don't you try jumping from above? Anyway, the effect is not too bad. "

This made Lu Yuanyong anxious: "There are so many traps here, what if I accidentally touch a trap and die?"

Su Wanyi smiled and said, "It's as if others won't touch the mechanism."

Changsun Xun looked at the couple, feeling quite touched in his heart.

It seems that he is still right.

Even though their current identities are only low-level soldiers, he appreciates both their judgment of danger and their attitude towards things.

Chang Sun Xun said to Lu Yuanyong: "This young master and his wife are right. If Mr. Lu thinks that he can ignore the rules of the organization formation, then he can set an example for us, and maybe he can find another way."

Changsun Xun is not a person who will be coerced by others.

Lu Yuanyong's face turned pale immediately: "Master Changsun, how can you say that? You are our leader, and you should take the lead."

Ye Yuxian asked with a half-smile: "Young master Lu's father is the city lord, and so is the father of the eldest grandson. Why do you hear that Mr. Lu said that your Huolian city has returned to Suyue city?"

Everyone is the son of the city lord, why did he admit it?
Lu Yuanyong immediately froze.

He seemed to be able to feel the strange eyes that everyone cast on him.

(End of this chapter)

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