Chapter 1099 My sons are also excellent
What an honor is this?
This is far inferior to the deputy head of the small guard army!

Now everyone is sour.

Even Qu Jingjiang was a little surprised.

"If Ms. Yu wants to take in apprentices, my sons are all talented, wouldn't Ms. Yu consider it?" Qu Jingjiang asked.

There are many women in Qujingjiang, so there are many sons.

With such a good opportunity, Qu Jingjiang really wanted to win it over for his sons.

If they can really learn skills from Yu Qingqing, it will be of great help to their Qingshan City.

Yu Qingqing asked: "Qucheng mainly recommends his sons?"

Qu Jingjiang nodded: "Yes, they are all excellent talents. I have trained them strictly since childhood."

Yu Qingqing said: "It can be considered. I will open all the organs right now. City Lord Qu will let them walk around in my organ. If they can pass the level successfully, I will accept them as apprentices."

Yu Qingqing's words made the faces of the sons behind Qu Jingjiang stiff.

Where do they have the confidence to walk around Yu Qingqing's trap?

What they had just seen on the hillside had already shocked them, and this was only a small part of it.

Qu Jingjiang glanced at his sons and saw that they all lowered their heads, no one dared to look directly into Qu Jingjiang's eyes.

Qu Jingjiang was depressed for a while, didn't he always behave positively on weekdays?Why are you so cowardly now?

Yu Qingqing smiled and said: "It seems that none of you young masters want to try my mechanism."

Qu Jingjiang felt ashamed and gave his sons a hard look.

Then he said to Yu Qingqing with a smile: "But Miss Yu, this Han Yuxian is always from my Qingshan City."

Yu Qingqing said: "Why, when did the people in your guard sign the death contract? It's just an employment relationship, why should I want it?"

Qu Jingjiang looked at Ye Yuxian again, no matter how he looked at it, it was not a pleasant feeling.

The sons of the Qu family looked at Ye Yuxian with jealousy.

And Ye Yuxian's reaction was very flat, not as ecstatic as they imagined.

I don't know if he is happy and stupid, or if he doesn't know what an honor it is to be Yu Qingqing's apprentice!
Qu Jingjiang had no choice but to let Yu Qingqing take Ye Yuxian away.

After the people left, Qu Jingjiang looked at his sons and was furious.

"I have no skills at all, even inferior to a lowly soldier!" Qu Jingjiang reprimanded.

Qu and Zhu, Qu and Feng and the others bowed their heads while being scolded, not daring to show their air.

"Don't be angry, the city lord!" Zhang Xinyue came out to comfort him at this time, "Although the young masters didn't take advantage of it, neither did the other city lord's family members. The poor boy who got the benefit is not bad for us, is it?"

Zhang Xinyue's comfort was very effective.

Qu Jingjiang thought for a while, and felt that what his concubine said made sense: "I think that Han Yuxian's wife looks a bit ugly, and it makes me want to vomit. Men like beauties, you go find her." Send some beauties to Han Yuxian."

Qu Hefeng hurriedly said: "Father, leave this matter to me, I will definitely handle it well for you!"

He is good at sending beautiful women!

Qu Jingjiang glanced at Qu Hefeng and nodded, "Okay, you can do it, please please for the time being, maybe you can get something from him."

If Yu Qingqing really accepted Han Yuxian as his apprentice, then Han Yuxian's worth would be different.

(End of this chapter)

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