Chapter 1106 Madam is jealous?
After completing the task, the black mirror returned to Ye Yuxian's hands.

Ye Yuxian said with a smile: "The black mirror is more suitable for this kind of physical work."

Su Wanyi praised Hei Jing: "Hei Jing did a good job, I will reward you, little jerky."

Black Mirror, who was praised by the hostess, felt shy and quickly got into its small box.

What a shy little snake.

Zilong snorted and said: "It's appropriate to leave this kind of trivial matter to the little black snake. If my aunt and grandma are involved, I think they will all be blown up!"

She didn't admit that she wanted to appear on the stage just now!
Let alone admit that she also wants to be praised!
"Yes, yes, aunt, please don't show your hands easily. Black Mirror can control your own size, but you can't. Once you show up, you can see that huge figure from ten miles around. It will scare people to death." Su Wanyi said.

"Huh! You actually said that my aunt is older? How old am I, my aunt?" Zilong hummed dissatisfied. She felt that Su Wanyi was disliking her for not having the ability to be as big or small as a little black snake.

"You have big breasts, okay?" Su Wanyi replied.

"Oh, don't say that, I will be shy, aunt, I know my figure, but there are men around, so don't be so straightforward!" Zilong was shy for a second.

Su Wanyi: "..."

Auntie, I just said that casually, do you really take it seriously?
Where does your dragon have breasts, hello?You point to me, where is your chest, hey!

Su Wanyi then asked Ye Yuxian: "Where's the beauty? Let me take a look."

"What beauty?" Ye Yuxian asked.

"I heard that Qu Jingjiang wanted to bribe you and sent someone to find a beautiful woman as a gift for you." Su Wanyi said.

Hearing this, Ye Yuxian laughed, "Madam is jealous?"

"Jealous? Why should I be jealous? I just want to ask, if he gives beauties, he can't favor one over another. If he gives you beauties, he should also consider giving me some beautiful men."

Su Wanyi hummed.

She just wanted to take a look, and wondered what the Qu family thought.

He didn't say what he would do with those women, how could he eat such flying vinegar.

Ye Yuxian smiled and pulled Su Wanyi into his arms: "Are those men comparable to the one holding you now?" Ye Yuxian asked.

Su Wanyi thought for a while, "It seems that I can't compare."

"Then it's over. Get rid of that desire to open a harem, I'm the only man you love."

"And where is your beauty?"

"No beauty can compare to this one in my arms."

"Who knows, don't men eat what's in the bowl and think about what's in the pot? Look at that Qu Jingjiang, who's quite old, and still hugs a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl!" Su Wanyi muttered. .

"Su Wanyi, you can hurt me. Comparing me to Qu Jingjiang, your ass needs a spanking, right?"

"You still want to spank my ass?" Su Wanyi raised her head and glared at Ye Yuxian.

"I don't want to anymore..." Ye Yuxian hurriedly changed his words.

"Hmph!" Su Wanyi snorted, and then leaned her head into Ye Yuxian's arms.

Daibao and Nannan looked at the two of them with ignorant eyes.

Nannan asked Daibao: "Brother Daibao, why did uncle spank Auntie's ass?"

Dai Bao thought about it seriously: "Because father and mother have a good relationship."

Nannan nodded with a half understanding, "Then Nannan spanked Brother Daibao."

She also has a good relationship with Brother Daibao.

Dai Bao shook his head: "No, spanking will hurt."

He was afraid of being spanked.

(End of this chapter)

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