Chapter 1109
In the case of an outbreak, let alone take it away, it is difficult to get close.

But in its normal's hard to describe.

Zilong said in distaste: "This little idiot! Why is it so useless! It's an insult to the name of the beast!"

Su Wanyi was not surprised, the iron-eating mythical beast was known for being confused.

The question is where this little fool was caught.

"Mother, mother, let's go and find Tuantuan, what if it is caught, cooked and eaten?" Daibao said worriedly.

Hearing this, Zilong thought to himself, the little idiot is so stupid, ordinary people wouldn't try to cook this kind of unknown creature, right?

Su Wanyi said: "Daibao is right, it would be bad if someone ate it."

Zilong: "..."

The brain circuits of your mother and son are really different!
You win.

On the other side, Lu Yuanyong grabbed Tuantuan and happily went back to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Young master, why did we catch this black and white bear?"

The subordinates didn't quite understand what Lu Yuanyong meant.

Do you really believe that this fluffy bear is the legendary iron-eating beast?
"You don't know, do you? I heard that the eldest grandson likes this pet very much. He has touched it several times. We caught it and gave it to the eldest grandson as a gift. Please the eldest grandson's favor."

Lu Yuanyong knew that he did not perform well in the rockery formation, and almost made the eldest grandson lively.

Now that the treasure is gone, Lu Yuan bravely discovered that Changsun Xun is the most important!
So he quickly changed his strategy.

"The son is wise, but the subordinates are dull."

"Okay, hurry up and hide this thing with me. In the evening, at the dinner party that father entertains the eldest grandson and the eldest grandson, we will give this gift to him!" Lu Yuanyong couldn't wait.

The members of the eldest grandson's family have already arrived in Huolian City. Lu Yuanyong's father, who is also the owner of Huolian City, warmly entertained them and even prepared a dinner for them tonight.

This is his good chance to perform.

Tuantuan was taken to the City Lord's Mansion in Huolian City, completely unaware that he had been captured and was about to be turned into a gift for someone else.

In the evening, City Lord Lu warmly entertained the guests of the eldest grandson's family in the hall.

"City Master Changsun, Young Master Changsun, prepare a little wine and vegetables. If there is any negligence, I hope City Master Changsun and Young Master Changsun will forgive me."

City Lord Lu is very respectful to the eldest grandson's father and son.

In terms of identity, the identity of the city lord Huolian is no lower than that of the city lord Suyue, but he can't hold back Changsun Xun's uniqueness.

Looking at the handsome grandson Xun, Lu City Lord looked at his own son, and he didn't like it no matter what.

Everyone is the lord of the city, and there is no difference between him and Changsunya, so why is there such a big difference in the sons he gave birth to?

Really more popular than dead people.

Lu Yuanyong also hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, City Lord Changsun and Young Master Changsun, please don't be polite, just take this place as your own home."

Lu Yuanyong smiled all over his face, and the intention to please was very obvious.

Changsun Xun smiled politely and alienated.

Lu Yuanyong saw this, and said again: "When I was in the rockery formation, I mishandled some things, which made the eldest grandson laugh at me. In order to make up for my fault, I specially prepared a gift for the eldest grandson."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yuanyong hurriedly motioned his subordinates to carry out the "gift" he had prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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