Chapter 1122 What a pity for that powerful bloodline

City Lord Lu snorted coldly and said: "That's still a bit far away. You forgot that the head of the Ye family was only at this age back then, and his cultivation was more than that. What's more, the most terrifying part of the Ye family's bloodline is not the one with high cultivation talent. question."

The abnormality of the Ye family's bloodline is not limited to this point.

It is a joke to compare them with the blood of the Ye family.

The Ye family's bloodline has always been the strongest bloodline in the Lingxu Continent.

Until the Ye family was destroyed, no one could surpass it.

"That's right." City Lord Changsun sighed softly. He completely agrees with City Lord Lu on this point of view.

Speaking of the Ye family, City Lord Changsun sighed slightly in his heart.

What a pity.

It's a pity for the powerful blood of the Ye family.

It is also a pity for the powerful existence of the Ye family.

Think back when the Ye family was here, how prosperous and harmonious the Lingxu Continent was?

Although the Ye family is the strongest in the continent, they never bully others, and never regard themselves as the ruler of the continent.

All the followers of the Ye family are willing to serve the Ye family as their master.

As a result, the door was destroyed by that person with despicable means, and that person has since become the ruler of this continent.

Each city has to pay tribute to that person every year. Only by obeying can the city survive. If it resists, the end will be as miserable as those families that once followed the Ye family.

The Changsun City Lord spoke meaningfully and glanced at his son.

There is a relationship between their family and that person that outsiders don't know about, and that's why Xun'er has always been so valued by that person and has become a celebrity in front of that person.

Outsiders think that their eldest grandson's family is the beneficiary and the supporter of that person.

Actually no, their relationship with that person is not that good.

There is even enmity, bloody enmity.

Changsun Xun knew what his father was thinking of.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and there were many things in the smile.

Maybe the family in the inn in the distance will be their turning point and change this sad situation.

Not noticing the change in the expressions of Zhang Sun's father and son, City Lord Lu only cared about whether Song Ming could successfully defeat Ye Yuxian.

So what if they have the same cultivation base?

In terms of combat experience and combat skills, that young man is definitely not as good as the experienced Song Ming!
That's right, Song Ming can definitely take him down!
Regardless of whether he is a genius or not, he will never get out of Huolian City alive!
The battle between Ye Yuxian and Song Ming continued.

As time went by, Song Ming began to fall into the trap, and his heart began to panic.

What's the matter with this man?

Others become more tired and weaker as they fight.

What about the young man in front of him?The more you fight, the braver you are, the more you continue to grow and progress in the battle!

He is constantly improving his martial arts moves and the skills of using combat power!

An opponent who can keep improving in the process of fighting!

Such an opponent is too scary!

This dealt a huge blow to Song Ming's psychology.

It's not the scariest thing to meet your opponent at chess, the scariest thing is that you are stronger than you if you hit your opponent!
In the end Song Ming was defeated and defeated.

After being hit in the knee, he was forced to kneel on the ground.

Ye Yuxian pointed at Song Ming with his sword. What he held in his hand was not the Lingyue Sword, but an ordinary sword he had found temporarily.

If the Lingyue Divine Sword is used, it may not take so long.

Song Ming watched Ye Yuxian pointing at his sword and panicked.

I still remember that not long ago, he still mocked the young man in front of him for not knowing the heights of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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