Chapter 1130 Really Haunted
"Maybe it's the people, it's the people..."

"The people living here are ordinary people, how can they fly? If you want to cultivate and have the ability, you have to leave here and go to other places..."

With that said, everyone's hearts went cold.

"It may also be the people who just came in from the outside. Aren't those people who were chasing after outside already inside? Maybe it's them!"

"Yes, yes, there is a possibility!"

Several people comforted each other.

Then a gust of dark wind rose from the ground, followed by more black shadows.

The number of black shadows far exceeds the number of Ye Yuxian and his party.

Then the excuse I made just now won't work.

Turning his head again, he found that one of his members was missing.

Turning his head again, there was one less.

The black shadow suddenly approached, and when he took a closer look, his face was covered with blood.


Terrible scream.

resounded throughout the world.

There are really ghosts, this Shuangliang City is really haunted!
At this time, the people in the dilapidated inn also heard the shrill screams from outside.

From a relatively long distance, it was still possible to hear that there was more than one person screaming.

Lu Yuanyong's three souls lost his seven souls.

"Let's get out of here!" Lu Yuanyong said, "Have you all heard that? That scream! That's absolutely abnormal!"

Huangfu Liang said: "It's the same when going out now, we are in the center of the city now."

The outside is not necessarily safer than the inside.

"Then...then what should I do..." Lu Yuanyong was completely panicked, and his whole body became neurotic.

Following him, he suddenly saw a black shadow appearing on the second floor of the inn.

"Ah! There, there are black shadows!"

Lu Yuanyong cried out.

Song Ming looked up, and in a trance, he also saw black shadows flashing across the beams of the house, and there were more than one!
Dai Bao blinked his eyes, what are they talking about, where is the shadow?

Dai Bao turned to look at his father and mother.

Ye Yuxian narrowed his eyes, but they didn't see anything.

But the expressions of Lu Yuanyong and Song Ming could not be deceiving.

"Brother Daibao, brother Daibao, my daughter is afraid." Nannan called out to Daibao in horror, "Brother Daibao, where are you?"

"Ninny, my brother is here." Daibao hurriedly grabbed Nannan's hand.

As a result, the girl yelled.

"Sister Nannan, what's wrong with you?" Dai Bao had a strange expression on his face.

Su Wanyi asked Huangfu Liang: "Did you see it?"

Huangfu Liang's face was pale, as if he couldn't hear Su Wanyi's voice.

The other four people in the room reacted strangely, only Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and Daibao were fine.

Ye Yuxian said: "It seems that some kind of poison made them hallucinate."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yuxian lowered his head and whispered something in Daibao's ear.

Daibao nodded, and then tightly held Nannan's hand, passing his healing power to Nannan through the touching hands.

After a while, Nannan's expression gradually recovered, and she saw Daibao holding her.

"Brother Daibao." Nannan hadn't fully recovered yet, her eyes were red, but her face was pale.

Dai Bao patted her on the back: "My baby is good, my baby is not afraid. Brother Dai Bao is here."

Nannan said: "Nunnan saw a lot of scary things, woo woo woo."

The little girl was only three years old, and she was most afraid of those demons and ghosts.

Daibao hurriedly comforted him: "No more, no more."

On the other side, with the help of Ye Yuxian, Huangfu Liang regained his sanity.

(End of this chapter)

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