Chapter 1137 is related to the death of the old master

Ye Yuxian took a look at Zhu Yi and the others, and then walked in front of them.

Through the cage, Ye Yuxian glanced at them.

Zhu Yi and the others looked at Ye Yuxian nervously, for fear that Ye Yuxian would turn around and leave.

Ye Yuxian said: "After you are released, don't appear in front of me again, count from the moment you leave the cage."

"It's not Mr. Han, we can lay hands on you to repay you." Zhu Yi said hastily.

"Need not."

Who needs them to be subordinates.

"Can it be done?" Ye Yuxian asked.

"It can be done, it can be done!" Zhu Yi and Lu Yuanyong nodded quickly.

It must be done!
So Ye Yuxian raised his hand, and the Lingyue Divine Sword slashed on the cage, cutting a hole for them.

The opening is very small, just enough for a person to get out of it.

This avoids indirectly releasing the monsters in the cage.

Seeing the hope of life, everyone scrambled to get out of the cage, pushing each other instead of delaying time.

After a lot of effort, these people escaped from the cage, and then began to flee outside the hall.
Ye Yuxian didn't stop them, he just wanted them to run for their lives.

It was their luck that they could escape, and if they couldn't escape, they could create chaos in the City Lord's Mansion and help them divert the perverted City Lord's attention.

Ye Yuxian walked back to Chu Xingyun.

Chu Xingyun looked at Ye Yuxian and said: "You don't care about me, there are still many dangers that you don't know about, it is difficult for you to leave by yourself, and it is even more difficult to leave with me."

"Mr. Xingyun hasn't told us why you are here. It is said that all the people who had a close relationship with the Ye family have been executed. Mr. Xingyun is undoubtedly a person who has a very deep relationship with the Ye family." Ye Yuxian replied.

After a moment of silence, Chu Xingyun replied: "Because I have a personal grievance with the old city lord of Shuangliang City, the city lord of Shuangliang City took refuge in that person and became the hero of that person. At that time, my cultivation base was abolished, and that person didn't care how I died in the end, so he handed me over to the old thing in Shuangliang City."

"The old guy didn't kill me directly, he saved my life to torture me to retaliate for the humiliation I had done to him. After the old guy died, his son was even more perverted than him. There is a reason for the old guy to torture people, but his son is There is no reason. But his son doesn't like to torture people like me, he prefers to see others panic."

As early as in the massacre of extermination, Chu Xingyun had already been abolished.

Then spent almost 30 years in this dark place.

Up to now, I can still maintain a clear mind, and my heart is very incomparable!

The average person is imprisoned in this kind of place for 30 years. Although the perverted behavior only started in the past ten years, it is quite embarrassing.

"The old city lord of Shuangliang City once helped that person? Do you know what he helped?" Su Wanyi asked.

Chu Xingyun replied: "The master's death is closely related to Shuangliang City. The old city owner must have participated in it, but I haven't figured out the specific connection so far."

As a prisoner, Chu Xingyun has very limited confidence.

But this has become the driving force for Chu Xingyun to live for so many years.

He should have died long ago.

But he heard the conversation between the old city lord and that person, and knew that Shuangliang City played a big role in killing their master.

(End of this chapter)

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