Chapter 1152
Ye Yuxian replied: "My wife has the final say in our family."


Is it really okay for you to speak out so confidently because you are afraid of your wife?
Seeking help was fruitless, the old man could only turn his head and said helplessly to Su Wanyi: "Tell me, what do you want, I can do it, there are many things I can't do."

"I don't need you to do anything, I just want you to tell me that almost 30 years ago, someone used the dragon scales of these green dragons to do something. I want to know what it is." Su Wanyi raised her condition.

The old man stared at Su Wanyi for a while, he knew what she wanted to know, and he did know the answer.

It's just that knowing the answer may not be a good thing for them.

Following the old man, he took another look at the mess in front of him, thinking about how Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi fought bravely last night, and understood that they were not the ones to back down.

In the end, the old man sighed helplessly: "Okay, I'll tell you."

Hearing this, Chu Xingyun, Huangfuliang and the others all pricked up their ears.

This is probably the answer that Chu Xingyun has been looking for for 30 years!

After getting this answer, he will die without regret!
The old man began to talk: "You don't need me to tell you how powerful the dragon scales are, I think you know it well, and the dragon scales are gods, a piece of dragon scales is very powerful, let alone the dragon scales of a green dragon. "

"About 30 years ago, someone used the power of Qinglong Longlin to kill the most powerful man in the world in a despicable way."

Everyone knows who the man the old man is talking about.

Chu Xingyun raised his heart, waiting excitedly for the old man's words.

Although Ye Yuxian had never met her father, she was also eager to know the cause of his death.

The old man continued: "Using dragon scales as a medium and using a very powerful sacrifice, he designed a perfect trap, lured that powerful man into the trap, and completed a sacrificial killing."

Su Wanyi asked, "What kind of sacrifice?"

The Qinglong dragon scale is just a medium, the person who sacrifices must be the key!

The old man said: "That is a woman with a special bloodline inheritance, born with extraordinary abilities, her life, her blood, is the most powerful sacrifice in the entire Lingxu Continent."

Su Wanyi asked again: "Who is this woman?"

The old man replied: "If you want to know more about her, you can go to Suyue City to find clues."

The old man answered the general questions, but he didn't explain many details clearly.

Su Wanyi thought for a moment, "Okay, let's go, take these dragon scales away, and don't let them harm the world again."

These dragon scales not only became the vehicle to kill Ye Yuxian's father, but also contributed to the massacre in Shuangliang City in the past ten years.

Longlin was innocent, but in the hands of some people, it caused disaster.

The old man nodded.

I saw him raise his hand.

There was a white light between the hands, and the dragon scales on the ground were drawn by the white light, and flew towards the old man one after another.

The moment the huge dragon scales approached the old man, it suddenly became as small as the scales of a crucian carp.

Then fell into the palm of the old man.

In the end, there was a pile of dark green in the palm of the old man's palm.

The old man retracted his palms, clenched them into fists, and held the dragon scales firmly in his hands.

Then bid farewell to Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi: "See you by fate."

After finishing speaking, the old man turned around and walked through the ruins step by step, heading out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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