Chapter 1157 Arriving at Suyue City

That afternoon, Ye Yuxian and his party set off for Suyue City.

If nothing else, they are likely to meet their acquaintances in Suyue City.

It took one and a half days from Shuangliang City to Suyue City. Ye Yuxian and his party walked slowly for two days, and arrived at Suyue City near noon on the third day.

Compared with the desolation of Shuangliang City, Suyue City is so prosperous that it is dazzling.

Not long after the carriage entered Suyue City, it was stopped by the people of the City Lord's Mansion.

Huangfu Liang looked surprised: "Several officers, when will you stop us? But what did we do that violates the city regulations?"

"You misunderstood. It was our young city lord who ordered us to wait here. He said that a carriage would arrive at the city gate early this morning with a young couple and two children."

"A couple and two children may not necessarily be us." Huangfu Liang said.

"Our young city lord made it very clear that this couple is easy to identify. The young master's appearance is astonishing, while the madam has a striking birthmark on her face. Both children are cute and beautiful."

These are the original words of Chang Sun Xun.

Ye Yuxian's voice came from the carriage, "Let the Guan Ye lead the way."

"Yes, young master." Huangfu Liang hurriedly obeyed.

Led by the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Yuxian and his party entered the City Lord's Mansion without hindrance.

As soon as he got off the carriage, he saw Changsun Xun.

"Young Master and Madam arrived a day later than I thought." Chang Sun Xun said with a smile, "But did you encounter trouble on the way?"

He had a stacked smile on his face, a bit like he was gloating.

Of course Changsun Xun knew that Lord Lu had sent many people to chase them down.

"My eldest grandson must have just returned to Suyue City, right? Is he so impatient to see us?" Ye Yuxian smiled sarcastically.

"No, Mr. Han is a dragon and a phoenix among people. Knowing that Mr. Han is coming to our Suyue City, I naturally have to come to greet him. I can't neglect Mr. Han and make our Suyue City lose courtesy." Zhang Sun Xun replied.

Su Wanyi got off the carriage holding Tuantuan.

Chang Sun Xun signaled his subordinates to bring up fresh bamboo and bamboo shoots.

"Are you flattering my pet?" Su Wanyi asked.

"That's right, we only have such a small area in Suyue City, but we can't stand this little baby's toss. In order to prevent me from having no place to sleep at night, I decided to sacrifice a little bamboo first."

Chang Sun Xun explained with a smile.

"Then you didn't prepare something to eat for us?" Su Wanyi asked.

After all, he is also the owner of Tuantuan, so please save face!
The main reason is that she is also hungry!want to eat!Looking at Tuantuan eating, I have no choice but to eat, it's very cruel!

Chang Sun Xun saw the longing for food in Su Wanyi's eyes, and replied with a smile: "That was naturally prepared, I have already prepared the banquet, I wonder if Mrs. Han and Mrs. Han will give me this face?"

Ye Yuxian replied: "Yes, of course, Mr. Changsun is so polite, if we still say no, wouldn't it be too unreasonable?"

It would be nice if someone took the trouble to prepare them food.

His family is full of foodies, you can miss other things, but you must not miss food.

Seeing Huangfu Liang helping a paralyzed man get off the car, Chang Sun Xun narrowed his eyes.

When they were in Huolian City, there was no such person around this group of people, why did they add another one after a few days?
Although he had doubts, Changsun Xun didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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