Chapter 1160 Find the answer you want

Su Wanyi nodded: "Okay, tell him, if you answer well, there will be a reward."

"Okay!" The second brother happily ran to the old storyteller and waited.

After a while, the old storyteller finished his speech, and the younger brother ran over to tell him that someone asked him about something, and took out the broken silver he had just received, telling him that it was a good job.

After a while, the old man came over.

"I don't know what Mrs. Young Master wants to know?"

"We want to ask, did anyone in Suyue City die suddenly in October 27 years ago?" Su Wanyi asked.

The old gentleman was very surprised when he heard the words: "Madam, are you sure you are asking this? Why did Madam specifically ask about a well-known matter in Suyue City?"

"Things that everyone knows? Just now the little brother said he didn't know."

The old man shook his head and said: "At that time he was not born yet, so I don't know, but all the elderly people in the city know that the wife of the city lord of our Suyue City died in October 27 years ago."

The lady of the city?

Isn't that Changsun Xun's mother?
"Mister, are you sure? What I want to ask is 27 years ago, the time cannot be wrong." Su Wanyi confirmed with the old storyteller.

The old gentleman said: "The old man is a storyteller. I always remember things like time clearly. If you don't believe me, you can ask others. They may not remember as well as I do, but if it comes to that year, everyone will be a little bit confused." memory."

"Because the madam passed away suddenly, she died of illness without any warning. The whole city mourned, and the city lord was so sad that he didn't deal with the affairs of the city for a whole month. Maybe someone else died in October of that year, but none of them were as painful as the death of the city lord's wife. Impressively old."

Ye Yuxian took out an ingot of silver and gave it to the old gentleman: "Thank you for letting me know, old gentleman."

The old gentleman was pleasantly surprised when he saw the silver.

He received such a big reward just for answering such a secret that was not a secret at all, it was simply a windfall.

"Thank you son, thank you madam."

The storyteller took the money and left happily.

Su Wanyi and Ye Yuxian had already got the answer they wanted.

"So he can hide it when we asked him today?" Su Wanyi touched her chin, recalling the situation when she asked Changsun Xun just now.

"Changsun Xun probably didn't know that we had very accurate clues."

They knew the approximate time of the woman's death.

"If we were looking for an ordinary woman who is unknown in the city, it would be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, but unfortunately we are looking for the most important woman in Suyue City."

It seems that what they have to do next has become much simpler.

You don't need to go around the entire Suyue City, you just need to go back to the City Lord's Mansion and have a good conversation with the father and son in the City Lord's Mansion.

Ye Yuxian chuckled lightly: "But it seems that Chang Sun Xun doesn't want us to know about that."

Su Wanyi said: "If you can't ask, you have to ask. You can use tricks, tricks, soft ones, and hard ones. I don't believe that he won't give in."

Hearing Su Wanyi say that Ye Yuxian was cheated and abducted, she gave a doting look.

Ye Yuxian said: "Yes, yes, Madam is right, anyway, this matter has something to do with them."

His own mother was sacrificed to death as a sacrifice, Ye Yuxian didn't believe that Chang Sun Xun had no idea about it.

(End of this chapter)

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