Chapter 1164 The little guy is not easy to cheat
What did Han Yuxian and Su Wanyi pick up from his mother?
No, his mother has been dead for many years, Han Yuxian looks younger than him, how could he pick up his mother's things?

"Mother said you can't tell others. If you can tell that woman's son, it won't be good if others find out." Daibao replied.

"Daibao, do you think uncle looks like a bad guy?" Changsun Xun asked Daibao, pointing to his handsome, harmless face.

Daibao shook his head: "Uncle is pretty good-looking, although not as good-looking as Daibao's father and Daibao."

Uh... the first sentence is enough, and the latter sentence can be omitted.

Chang Sun Xun said: "Since uncle is not a bad person, you can tell uncle."

"But Daibao doesn't know if Uncle is a good person!"

"Didn't you just say that uncle is not a bad person?"

"Uncle is not a bad person, and he is not necessarily a good person." Daibao looked at Changsun Xun with disgust with a look on his face, why are you so stupid.

Uncle is so stupid!He clearly only said that he is not a bad person, but he did not say that he is a good person.

"Uh...not a bad guy, isn't he a good guy?" Chang Sun Xun couldn't understand Dai Bao's logic.

Dai Bao shook his head: "No, no, mother said that those who do bad things must be bad people, but those who do good things are not necessarily good people. For example, it is a good thing to give Dai Bao candy, but the uncle who gave Tang Tang Not necessarily a good person, so Tangtang can't eat, and can't run away with uncle."


Changsun Xun found himself trapped by Daibao's logic, and felt that what he said made a lot of sense!
Now Changsun Xun is in trouble. Daibao looks a little dazed, but his logic is perfect and he is very principled. It is not easy to get words from him.

But now Changsun Xun has to get the words out of Daibao's mouth, because this matter is too important to him.

He was still very young when his mother died, and he has a vague memory of the cause and effect.

But only a little vague memory.

What he remembered most clearly was when his mother's body was brought back.

At that time, he didn't quite understand what death was, but when he saw his mother was sleeping soundly, he wanted to wake her up.

But no matter how he yelled, his mother would never wake up again.

Changsun Xun looked at the soft and cute Daibao beside him, and shook his head helplessly.

"Then what does Daibao need uncle to do to believe that uncle is a good person?" Changsun Xun asked Daibao.

Daibao thought for a while: "Mother said that a child who obeys mother's words is a good boy, and the uncle will prove to Daibao that you are a good obedient child, and Daibao will believe that you are a good person."


Changsun Xun found that he was obviously here to talk to the little guy, but somehow he had the feeling of being led into the pit by the little guy.

Changsun Xun thought for a while and said, "But my uncle's mother passed away when my uncle was very young, so my uncle can't prove that he is a good boy."

"Uncle's mother passed away?" Dai Bao looked at Chang Sun Xun, then suddenly got up and ran to Chang Sun Xun's side, and touched Chang Sun Xun's head with his hand.

Changsun Xun was sitting on the grass, just high enough for Daibao to touch.

Changsun Xun looked at Daibao's actions in surprise.

Childish, but inexplicably heart-warming.

"Uncle is not sad, not sad!" Dai Bao comforted Chang Sun Xun while stroking Chang Sun Xun's head.

Chang Sun Xun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Didn't you just say that touching your head will make you grow taller?"

(End of this chapter)

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