Chapter 1188 What kind of fairy child is this?
But he also didn't know why the kid thought they would snatch the monster.

What's so good about this monster?They don't even want to give it to them!

Seeing that Xiong Yu and the others didn't speak, Dai Bao took it as their acquiescence.

Then he took his small wooden sword and continued to attack the monster spider.

The team members came over to support Xiong Yu, and everyone watched in amazement as Dai Bao and the monster spider fought.

Compared with the huge size of the monster spider, Dumb was too small.

But he was nimble enough, even though the monster spider had eight legs, it couldn't touch one of Dummy's fingers.

Instead, Dai Bao chopped off one foot after another.

What kind of fairy child is this?
This is too great!
Not only are they high in cultivation and agile in body, but they also have ways to deal with monsters that make them helpless!
Simply amazing!
Everyone was dumbfounded!
Not long after, all eight legs of the monster spider were cut off by Dumb, leaving only a chubby body struggling on the ground.

After making sure that this guy won't run around anymore, Dai Bao began to scratch his head and think.

How would he bring this thing to his father to exchange money with him?
Seeing Daibao worrying about the monster spider, everyone wondered if he had encountered any problems.

So Xiong Yu cautiously stepped forward and asked, "Just tell me what you need, young master."

Dai Bao glanced at Xiong Yu and asked, "Aren't you going to grab me?"

"No snatching, no snatching, absolutely no snatching, I just want to help the young master." Xiong Yu said hastily.

He has a pleasant face, which is completely different from that of the father and daughter who used to be iron-clad.

Dai Bao said, "Okay then, can you lend Dai Bao a rope?"

As he said that, Dai Bao gestured with his arm, "I want a rope so hot and so long."

Dai Bao stretched out his arms very long, which meant that he wanted a very, very long rope.

"Yes, yes, I'll get it for you right now!" Their mercenary group had everything, and of course they also had ropes.

"I'll get it!" A team member volunteered to run to get the rope for Dai Bao.

After getting the rope, Daibao started to tie the monster spider with the rope.

Seeing the little guy busy up and down, jumping on the spider's back for a while, and getting under the stomach of the spider for a while, everyone's hearts were pounding.

Although the spider had all its legs chopped off and was badly injured, it was still alive.

Those of them who almost died at the hands of the monster spider have psychological shadows.

After a while, Daibao tied up the spider.

Patting the dust on his little hands, Dai Bao was very satisfied: "It's done."

Following the section of the rope that was pulled, he began to walk outside.

Daibao looked small, but he was quite strong. He dragged the huge monster spider without any difficulty.

With a happy little step, I went out.

The gate of the inn was just big enough for the monster spider to pass through.

Seeing Daibao leave with his loot, Xiong Yu hesitated for a while and decided to follow him to have a look.

He wanted to know what happened to this kid.

Dai Bao dragged the monster spider to the shade next to the inn.

The members of the Jagged Mercenary Corps were stunned when they saw Dai Bao come back.

What did the kid drag back?

The people who were awake instinctively took a few steps back, and the people who were asleep were also woken up by the movement of others.

After waking up and seeing what Daibao brought back, he was so frightened that he dozed off.

"Daddy, Daibao has caught Guigui, where's Daibao's reward?" Daibao stretched out his small hand and asked his father for his huge reward of 50 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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