Chapter 1195 Catch an Ostrich

Daibao tilted his head and asked Nannan: "What does sister Nannan want to ride, let's catch it?"

Nannie frowned: "It sounds scary, is there anyone who isn't scary?"

Nannan is relatively timid, and she is a little afraid of what Ye Yuxian said.

Su Wanyi rubbed her chin and said, "I heard that in the endless desert there is an ostrich that can run faster than a camel."

Hearing Su Wanyi's words, Tie Fengyi laughed, "Madam Han, it is true that there are ostriches in the endless desert, and the red-topped ostriches in the endless desert are not small enough to carry people, but the red-topped ostriches are very Vicious, one kick can kill a person, and it cannot be tamed."

Everyone knows that the unique red-capped ostrich in the endless desert is big, strong and strong.

If there was a way to tame it, someone would have done it already.

Su Wanyi said: "Let's try, anyway, the camels won't be able to wait."


Is she joking?
How to try this?

Go straight into the desert?And then hope for a twitching ostrich that no one has tamed?
This is desperate ah hello!

If he just died in the desert like this, it would be too unjust!

You will definitely be laughed at after death.

"Catch ostriches, let's go catch ostriches!" Dai Bao raised his hands in agreement.

Dai Bao likes to catch animals, such as small snakes and spiders, he has caught a lot of them.

He has never caught an ostrich, and he is looking forward to the kind of red-capped ostrich that can only be found in the endless desert.

Xiong Yu hesitated and persuaded: "Master, the red-topped ostrich lives in the desert. If you want to catch an ostrich, you have to go into the desert. The red-topped ostrich is very ferocious and not easy to tame. If you can't tame it, we may die." Die in the desert."

Dai Bao said: "Then you wait outside for Dai Bao, and Dai Bao went to catch an ostrich to ride for you."

This problem is easy to solve.

Xiong Yu shook his head: "What if Master is in danger or gets lost?"

Daibao thought for a while: "Then Daibao can ride Xiao Hei back."

Dad just said that there are snakes in the desert, and that little black is also a snake, so that little black can definitely run in the desert.

Blackie is Black Mirror.

Everyone was confused by Daibao's childish words.

What black?
Is it their pet?
Beside them was a little black and white bear, but that bear was about the size of Dumbbod and slept every day. It was impossible for a camel, let alone a camel in the desert.

Su Wanyi said: "You guys should wait outside, anyway, we can't move so many supplies into the desert with bare hands."

Su Wanyi meant to ride an ostrich together with Daibao.

The views of the mother and son are really... speechless.

Tie Shengxuan said to Ye Yuxian: "Mr. Han, please persuade your wife and young master."

Ye Yuxian asked back: "Why do you want to persuade?"

Tie Shengxuan stared blankly at Ye Yuxian: "Mr. Han agrees with Mrs. and Young Master's idea?"

Ye Yuxian said: "It's fine for the group leader and others to stay outside and wait, we will be responsible for bringing the ostrich out."

"How can this be done?" Xiong Yu said, "If Master is going, I can't be lazy, I'll go together!"

Xiong Yu's apprentice was not for nothing.

Tie Fengyi frowned, "What's wrong with you? Why do you all respond to such an impractical action?"

The mother and son are inexplicable, and the others are also acting stupid together!
(End of this chapter)

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