Chapter 1198 Honghong, can you give Daibao a ride?

Su Wanyi also looked in that direction, and then saw Hong Hong's head shaking.

ha!I found it.

"Daibao, keep your voice down, don't scare it away, the red-capped ostrich can run very fast." Su Wanyi told Daibao.

Daibao nodded vigorously, "Daibao knows."

Then he turned his head and explained to the three big men behind him: "Grandpa Huangfu, Uncle Yun and apprentice, all of you keep your voices down."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Mr. Daibao." Huangfu Liang replied.

"Young master, please rest assured." Chu Xingyun was once such a prominent person, but now he is willing to accompany Daibao to make trouble.

"Master, don't worry, this apprentice will be very obedient." The newly recruited apprentice is also obedient.

Although Nannan was not told, she couldn't help but raised her white and tender little hand and said, "Nunnan will be obedient too, don't worry Brother Daibao!"

Following a group of people, they walked towards the red-capped ostrich with very light steps.

The two brothers next to him were dumbfounded.

"Brother, what do you think about this group of people? Are you happy to see the red-capped ostrich?"

"Don't mind your own business, they want to mess around and let them go, it has nothing to do with us."

"But brother, let's take a look without delay. Red-capped ostriches like to attack camels. If our camel caravan passes by like this, we might lose a few camels. Now that camels are so difficult to deal with, if one dies, one will be lost. If there are too many deaths, it will affect our itinerary."

"Just watch, don't get close."

"I know, I know."

The camel team stopped and watched the actions of Ye Yuxian and his party from afar.

Daibao was the one who walked in the front. He tiptoed and approached the red-capped ostrich cautiously. He planned to catch the red-capped ostrich directly while the red-capped ostrich was not paying attention.

Before Daibao came up to it, the red-capped ostrich noticed them.

The desert is empty, and there is nothing to hide. If you walk directly in front of your face, anyone who is a little vigilant will be able to spot it.

When the red-capped ostrich saw a group of people standing in front of him, he must have been stunned. Usually, it is a tyrant in the desert, and people always take a detour when they see it.

Why are human beings a bit different today?

Not only did he not run, but he walked straight towards it.

Daibao said to the red-topped ostrich, "Honghong, can you give Daibao a ride?"

The names are all ready, and it's really fast.

Naming with colors is a consistent practice of Daibao.

This is the first "red" of Daibao.

The red-capped ostrich couldn't understand Dai Bao's words at all, it only felt that the other party was approaching him.

Feeling that he was in danger, the red-capped ostrich uttered a cry, obviously angry.

But Daibao directly ignored its anger, and continued to say to the red-capped ostrich: "Then Daibao will compete with you, and if you win the competition, you will give Daibao a ride, okay? If you don't object to Daibao, it will be regarded as your agreement."

Not only did the red-capped ostrich fail to understand, it was also irritated. It raised its head aggressively and paddled one foot on the ground, as if it was about to sprint.

This is obviously a posture of preparing to attack.

It seemed that not only did it not intend to escape, but it also planned to teach this group of ignorant people who challenged its authority a lesson.

After seeing it, Dai Bao imitated the appearance of the red-capped ostrich, moved his head, and rubbed one foot on the ground.

Su Wanyi suspected that she was watching a cockfight.

It's just that the two gamecocks are not serious chickens.

(End of this chapter)

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