Chapter 1202

Tie Shengxuan looked at the ostrich team at the door, and then at the family in front of him.

There is a sense of unreality in dreaming.

Tie Fengyi still didn't believe it, "How is it possible? It's simply impossible! It's impossible for a red-capped ostrich to be tamed so easily!"

Su Wanyi said: "That's it, the iron girl's share of the ostrich will be gone. Anyway, if you don't believe the iron girl, then you should choose to find the mount yourself."

Su Wanyi will never force this kind of thing, if you don't believe me, then don't ride!
It took a while for the two mercenary groups to move all the supplies.

Also during this time, everyone really felt the existence of the Ostrich team.

"This is just too cool!"

"Yes, yes, what is riding a camel? Who has never ridden a camel! Now we can ride a red-capped ostrich!"

"I heard that the red-capped ostrich runs very fast, so after we enter the desert, will we be able to catch up with the team in front of us soon?"

"Look, everyone outside is looking at us! Look at their jealousy!"

The members of the mercenary group chatted excitedly.

Can't help being excited, they are the first mercenary group in history to ride an ostrich into the endless desert!
Seeing everyone sitting on the red-capped ostrich one after another, Tie Fengyi felt a little greedy.

In addition, she was about to set off soon. If she didn't ride an ostrich, she could only walk.

But thinking of the conversation he had with Su Wanyi just now, he doesn't really want to ride.

Seeing that Tie Fengyi was still timid, Tie Shengxuan said to her, "Fengyi, go and apologize to Mrs. Han, and then get on the ostrich, we're leaving soon."

Tie Fengyi said unconvinced: "Why should I apologize to her? She is now a member of our regiment, and the ostrich she brought back is for our regiment. Do I, Tie Fengyi, still need her to nod when I ride an ostrich? "

After speaking, Tie Fengyi turned on the red-capped ostrich that hadn't been ridden yet.

But she didn't expect that just as she sat on it, the red-capped ostrich jumped wildly and threw Tie Fengyi off her back.

Tie Fengyi fell covered in mud, and when she stood up, everyone looked at her.

Tie Fengyi was immediately ashamed and angry.

She turned over and rode the ostrich again in disbelief, but the ostrich threw her off her back again.

It must be Su Wanyi's fault!

She intentionally left an untamed red-capped ostrich for her!
That scumbag!

After cursing in her heart for a while, Tie Fengyi walked up to Tie Longshan and said to Tie Longshan, "Come down, I want to ride yours."

Tie Longshan's face was full of embarrassment, but in the end it was his cousin, so he rolled over and gave his red-capped ostrich to Tie Fengyi.

Tie Fengyi immediately rode up.

But I didn't want a dramatic scene to happen. Tie Longshan was riding well, but Tie Fengyi was overturned as soon as he rode up.

Tie Fengyi fell to the ground in embarrassment for the third time, and this time her hair was messed up.

Tie Fengyi was furious.

"Su Wanyi, you are the one who messed up, right? What do you mean?!"

Just as Su Wanyi came out of the inn, she saw the furious Tie Fengyi with a smile on her face: "Miss Tie, you don't believe us, why do you still ride the ostrich we brought back? Isn't this very contradictory?"

Tie Fengyi turned her head around, and quibbled: "I...I...I don't believe you! But I put the overall situation first! I'm about to leave now, and I can't delay everyone's schedule!"

(End of this chapter)

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