Chapter 1206 Yan Family Army

"Don't be impulsive. When there is no complete chance of winning, don't confront them head-on. Let's wait a little longer to ensure that they will not have the power to resist in front of us, and then confront them head-on."

Yan Wen still wants to be stable.

Although Yan Wu really wanted to fight, he still chose to follow Yan Wen's arrangement.

Xiong Yu shouted angrily for a long time, but no one came out to answer his words.

The team members hurriedly persuaded: "Team leader, stop shouting, you will be in trouble if you inhale the poisonous smoke in a while."

Xiong Yu said: "I'm so pissed off, who dares to sneak attack, but dare not show his face! Rascal! Despicable villain! Son of a bitch! No kind!"

The more Xiong Yu scolded, the worse it sounded.

"Leader, what should we do now? Should we rush out? If we drag it on, we will be poisoned to death by poisonous smoke."

The team members eagerly asked Xiong Yu how to deal with it.

Xiong Yu was also troubled, the poisonous smoke started to spread from all around, and if he wanted to rush out, he had to go through the place where the poisonous smoke was thickest.

This is a very dangerous thing.

But if you stay where you are, sooner or later the poisonous smoke will spread.

At this time, I heard Ye Yuxian whistle.

The red-capped ostriches who were quiet a moment ago suddenly moved quickly.

They rushed out together.

The fast running speed is like a gust of wind blowing by.

When they collectively ran towards the outside, the poisonous smoke was also dispersed.

The Yan brothers were surprised when suddenly a group of red-capped ostriches rushed towards them.

This time, the formation of the Yan family army in ambush was disrupted.

The Yan family brothers stood still after dodging, and then saw Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and others appearing in front of the two brothers.


Embarrassment flashed across the faces of the two brothers at the same time.

But the brothers are not afraid.

Yan Wu had long wanted to come out and confront this group of people, but his brother disagreed.

Right now it's exposed.

"The two masters of Yan are against us?" Su Wanyi asked.

Yan Wu smiled, "I have no grudges, but I want something from you. Once our Yan family army makes a move, there is no reason to return empty-handed."

"Yan Jiajun?" Xiong Yu realized the other party's identity after hearing this term, "It turns out that it's you gangsters! I didn't think about it when I first heard you say your surname is Yan!"

Xiong Yu, Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and the others explained: "Mr. Han, Mrs. Han doesn't know something. This Yan family army sounds like an army, but it's actually a group of robbers who specialize in doing what robbers do!"

"The bandits claim to be the army?" Su Wanyi raised her eyebrows.

Xiong Yu explained: "They are not ordinary robbers. They come from Shuyan City. Their entire city is a robbery city. The source of income for the entire city is robbery. The people in the city can be proud to join the Yan family army."

Among the many cities known for their commerce, the "business" of Shuyan City is quite special. Their business is robbery and theft.

Yan Wu smiled: "I know you, Xiong Yu, the head of Xiong Yun's mercenary group, is notoriously bad-tempered on the road."

Xiong Yu snorted and said, "Arrogant junior, since you know it's your grandpa, how dare you attack me? Have you taken a fancy to the things our regiment brought?"

Yan Wu sneered: "The things you bring? We don't look down on those vulgar things."

Xiong Yu got angry and said, "It's a son of a bitch to be so confident as a robber!"

Yan Wen and Yan Wu's brothers turned cold when they heard the words: "Old man, who are you scolding?"

(End of this chapter)

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