Chapter 1210 This woman is not easy to fool

They know that things are not going well.

They met a master.

This family is not only weird, but powerful and terrifying!
It was the first time that the two brothers had encountered such a situation leading the Yan family army alone.

This made the brothers a little overwhelmed.

The members of the two mercenary regiments were still in shock and could not recover.

Whether it is the performance of Daibao and Chu Xingyun, or the performance of the red-capped ostriches, they are all dumbfounded.

My jaw is about to drop to the ground.

The Yan family army who made their two mercenary groups suffer so much is no match for this family at all!
Mr. Han hasn't even made a move yet!

This family is too great!

When the two brothers were in a panic, the ostriches moved out of the way, and Su Wanyi's family came over.

Yan Wen knew that a disaster was imminent, so he hurriedly pleaded: "As long as the young master and his wife are willing to let us go, we are willing to offer thirty boxes of gold, silver and jewelry in exchange."

Thirty boxes of gold, silver and jewellery, that sounds like a lot.

Su Wanyi said: "It turns out that the lives of the two of you brothers are worth thirty boxes and I have so much gold, silver and jewelry."

Yan Wen frowned and said: "Madam, just take our heads and go to Shuyan City to ask for a reward."

Su Wanyi said: "I don't doubt that if you take your lives, you can exchange thirty boxes of gold, silver and jewelry from Shuyan City, but what about after the exchange? If you Shuyan City turns around, you will get rid of them." Our heads, who took thirty boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, were beaten to pieces?"

With thirty boxes of gold, silver and jewels, if you can't run fast, isn't it a living target?
To put it bluntly, the so-called thirty boxes of gold, silver and jewelry are not wealth, but a reminder.

Yan Wenyan Wu heard that she felt like having a heart attack, but she could only say that this woman's mind was spinning too fast, which made her think of it.

Yan Wen was indeed digging a hole, but Su Wanyi knew it just by looking at the hole.

Yan Wen hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that, I just wanted to ask the son and wife to spare their lives. If the wife thinks there is something wrong with this method, she can change it to another method."

Right now, the most important thing for the Yan family brothers is how to survive and escape.

Whether the follow-up can be revenge is based on the premise that the brothers can save their lives.

Su Wanyi sneered and said, "I think it's better to focus on what you can touch instead of thinking about what you can't touch for the time being. It seems that you two are also well-known people, and you should have a lot of money with you."

Su Wanyi then turned her head and said to Xiong Yu and Tie Shengxuan: "Two leaders, let the big guys search, and take away all the valuable things that these people can carry."

"Yes, yes, yes." Without further ado, Xiong Yu asked his team members to do the work.

Tie Shengxuan hesitated for a moment, Tie Shengxuan was uncertain, and he didn't dare to do something that would completely offend Yan's army.

He was afraid of being retaliated by the Yan family army in the future.

Tie Fengyi also hurriedly reminded Tie Shengxuan: "Father, we can't do this kind of thing. This is robbery. Didn't you teach us not to do things that violate morality? How can we steal people's things? This Mrs. Han has no bottom line." Forget it, we can't learn from her!"

Tie Fengyi wanted to fight against Su Wanyi to death, and she had already started to stand against Su Wanyi without thinking.

God damn bandits, don't say that the Yan family army themselves are bandits, just because they hit Su Wanyi and the others first, can't Su Wanyi and the others treat him as they are and return them back?

(End of this chapter)

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