Chapter 1212
Tie Shengxuan also understood Ye Yuxian's decision, but the result made Tie Shengxuan and other members feel a little uncomfortable.

This time, there are a lot of members missing, and there is also a lack of strong support.

This has added a lot of trouble and uncertainty to their road ahead.

It is obvious to all that this family surnamed Han is strong.

With their help, the mission of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group can obviously progress more smoothly.

Ye Yuxian is not discussing with Tie Shengxuan here, but just informing.

Xiong Yu was overjoyed when he heard Ye Yuxian's words, "Yes, yes, master, let's ignore them. Come to our Xiong Yun mercenary group, the leader can do anything for the master!"

If Master and Mistress don't work with the Jagged Mercenary Group, then they can justifiably play with them.

Ye Yuxian asked Xiong Yu to tidy up, and left camels for the iron-blooded mercenaries.

The red-capped ostriches that were previously used by the iron-blooded mercenary group were recovered and used to hold the supplies brought from the Yan family army.

Following the red-capped ostriches, Su Wanyi's family and members of the Xiong Yun mercenary group left quickly, leaving behind everyone in the iron-blooded mercenary group and the Yan family army tied up with nothing.

Su Wanyi did what she said, and did not take Yan Jiajun's life.

At this time, Yan Jiajun faced a problem, how to gain freedom.

Su Wanyi didn't kill them, but she didn't untie them either.

This was in the desert, and they just left it like this. If they were unlucky, all that awaited them was death.

Yan Wen took aim at the iron-blooded mercenary group that had just been left behind.

"Tuan Zhang doesn't seem to want to be an enemy of our Yan family army. If so, it's time to show your sincerity." Yan Wen began to persuade Tie Shengxuan.

Tie Shengxuan was in a complicated mood at this time, and his brows frowned even tighter when he heard Yan Wen's words.

At this time, he would rather Su Wanyi be more decisive and execute the Yan family army directly without leaving any future troubles.

Yan Wen strikes while the iron is hot: "If Captain Iron doesn't let us go, when we are rescued, the first person to take revenge is Captain Iron. Is Captain Iron sure that he has the strength to fight against us in Zhuyan City?"

Tie Shengxuan suddenly fell into the predicament of riding a tiger.

Tie Longshan hurriedly persuaded: "Uncle, we can't listen to them, we might as well kill them directly, without anyone noticing, the people in Shuyan City will not know that we did it. Anyway, the person who took away their money It's Young Master Han and the others, when the time comes when Shuyan City will track down the murderer, it will only find Young Master Han and the others."

Tie Shengxuan was awakened by Tie Longshan.

If they let go, they will be the ones who will be in danger later.

If they were killed, most of the enemies would not be able to find their iron-blooded mercenary group.

"Longshan is right." Tie Shengxuan decided to adopt Tie Longshan's opinion.

Seeing this, the Yan family's army became anxious, this was not the result they wanted.

Yan Wu's mind turned quickly, and when he saw Tie Fengyi, he saw new hope.

Yan Wu said to Tie Fengyi: "Miss Tie, Mrs. Han is not as good as you, Miss Tie, but you are really annoying to jump around. In my opinion, it is because of your beauty and excellence, Miss Tie." , that ugly woman deliberately targeted you. She was afraid that you would steal her husband's soul, Miss Tie, you are really wronged."

Yan Wu's words entered Tie Fengyi's heart immediately.

She did have a crush on Young Master Han.

But she didn't do anything to actually interfere with their relationship as husband and wife.

(End of this chapter)

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