Chapter 1218 It Wasn't To Snatch Ye Family's Treasure
"Mr. Jin, if you want to go ahead of me, just go ahead. I will never stop you. We each rely on our own abilities, don't you agree?" Xiong Yu replied, "However, Mr. Jin, you are still on your way this late at night, so you are working too hard. ?”

"Hmph, you want to take care of it?" Mr. Jin hummed.

"If you don't tell me, I also know that the reason for traveling day and night must be because I am interested in the treasures of the Ye family, otherwise, who would want to go to this desolate desert to eat sand?" Xiong Yu said.

"Who said I was for the treasure of the Ye family?" Old Master Jin was dissatisfied with Xiong Yu's words.

"Is it for the treasure of the Ye family or what?" Xiong Yu didn't believe it.

"I'm waiting for the person who came to fetch the Ye family's treasure!" Mr. Jin snorted.

"The person who came to fetch the Ye family's treasure?" Xiong Yu was a little confused.

"You don't understand." Mr. Jin didn't explain to Xiong Yu in detail.

Seeing that Mr. Jin didn't like to talk too much, Xiong Yu stopped asking.

This old man has a weird temper, and the more people ask him about things he doesn't want to say, the more he refuses to say them.

"Then what is the old man planning to do now?" Xiong Yu asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you, you can grab the treasure as you please, or you can't grab the treasure." Mr. Jin replied.

This is even more unpredictable. Didn't the old man say that he was waiting for the person who came to take away the Ye family's treasure?Why is he indifferent to Xiong Yu and his party who came to seize the treasure, with an indifferent look on their faces.

Following Mr. Jin, he said to Xiong Yu: "Our people are resting next to you tonight, so please don't make too much noise at night, as it will affect our rest."

"Grandpa Jin doesn't need to say that, we have to rest ourselves, and we have to rush during the day, so we don't have the strength to make noise." Xiong Yu replied.

So everyone in Qisha City got off their camels and rested next to Xiong Yun's mercenary group.

At this time, everyone in Seven Kill City couldn't help muttering.

"It's a red-capped ostrich, not a camel. I didn't see it clearly from a distance just now. I thought it was just a resemblance. I didn't expect it to be a red-capped ostrich."

"Is this really a red-capped ostrich? Why does it look so docile and cute? It's not the same as what I heard before!"

Isn't the red-capped ostrich very fierce and difficult to tame?
The red-capped ostrich here is as good as a camel.

"I've met red-capped ostriches before, and they definitely don't look like this! Anyone who gets close to them will attack them! Take the top of the head, peck with the beak, and kick with the feet. They can kick people to death alive!"

"Then why are the red-capped ostriches here so docile? Could it be that someone raised them?"

"But I've heard that someone has tried this, but failed."

Everyone in Qisha City felt very novel after seeing this large group of red-capped ostriches.

"What's so interesting, isn't it an ostrich?"

A voice that was a bit childish but deliberately pretended to be mature sounded.

"Young master, be careful."

The servant carefully helped the little boy off the camel.

"Get out of the way!" The little boy jumped off the camel.

This is Jin Haotian, the eldest grandson of Mr. Jin, the only son of the Lord of Seven Kills City.

Now I am following the old man to practice outside. Although this desert operation is dangerous, the old man thinks that boys should not be pampered.

Jin Haotian is eight years old this year, a lively and active age.

Others were surprised to see the red-capped ostrich, but he noticed the two soft and cute children in the team.

(End of this chapter)

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