Chapter 1232 Let me play with you as a father
When Hai Dongqing approached, he flew with his sword and flew directly to Hai Dongqing's head.

Dai Bao was still beating Hai Dongqing's head, suddenly there was a man behind him.

"Little devil, it seems that you are having fun beating!" Qingqiu said coldly.

"Ah! Oops!" Dai Bao cried out in a low voice.

Sensing the danger, Dai Bao quickly got up, stepped back, and distanced himself from the man behind him.

The man behind him is at the level of the gods, and in terms of cultivation alone, Daibao is no match for him.

The damage that the phoenix blood on his body could resist also depended on the master's own cultivation level, and it couldn't resist damage that exceeded the master's cultivation base.

Mr. Jin saw that the ghost-faced Arhat who was going to fight him went to fight against Daibao on the head of the giant eagle Haidongqing, and scolded: "Ghost-faced Arhat, you coward, you have the guts to come at me, find a milk doll like you!" What does it look like?!"

Old man Jin's scolding didn't change anything, Qingqiu was determined to trouble Daibao.

"Daddy help!"

After Daibao yelled, he jumped off the giant eagle.

If you should be cowardly, you have to be cowardly, and if you can't beat him, run away, this is what Su Wanyi taught Daibao.

Those who can't beat them and are tougher are fools.

Daibao is not a fool!Heh heh, Daibao is very smart!

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

"Want to run?" Seeing this, Qingqiu wanted to catch up.

But he saw a young and handsome man coming with a sword, and landed directly in front of Qingqiu's eyes.

"My dumb baby doesn't want to play with you, so let me, the father, come and play with you." Ye Yuxian said with a wicked smile.

Qingqiu was blocked by Ye Yuxian, unable to catch up with Daibao.

In a blink of an eye, Dai Bao had already been caught by Tuantuan, and landed on Tuantuan's soft bear's paw pad.

It was too late to chase this little guy, so Qingqiu simply concentrated on dealing with the man in front of him first.

Qingqiu looked at Ye Yuxian with resentment in his eyes.

Ghost Face Arhat Qingqiu's face was destroyed, and it is said that he was also a handsome man before his disfigurement.

The rumors are true, Qingqiu was indeed pretty in the past.

So every time he sees a man with such a beautiful face as Ye Yuxian, Qingqiu has an urge to destroy the other person's appearance and make the other person as ugly as himself.

Qingqiu whistled again, he wanted the giant eagle Hai Dongqing to go to the ground.

Ye Yuxian smiled and said, "You seem to like this eagle very much."

Qingqiu sneered: "How can an ordinary person like you understand the power of the spirit beast that I come to Xiantai?!"

"Really? I really want to learn."

After speaking, Ye Yuxian stretched out his hand and summoned the Lingyue Divine Sword to his hand.

With the divine sword in hand, Ye Yuxian raised his hand, and huge power gathered on the sword.

Following the blade, it directly inserted into the head of the giant eagle Hai Dongqing below him.

A shrill eagle cry resounded through the sky.

Following the huge body, it chased down from the air.


The giant eagle Haidongqing fell to the ground, raising dust more than one meter high.

On him, Qingqiu hadn't reacted yet.

It took only two or three minutes from when Ye Yuxian got the Lingyue Sword to when he killed the giant eagle Hai Dongqing.

Qingqiu was still in the shock of Lingyue Shenjian, and the giant eagle Hai Dongqing died, utterly dead.

The giant eagle Hai Dongqing's head was very hard. Just now, Dai Bao's fist punched it a lot, but it could only make it feel pain, but could not cause obvious scars.

But this kind of hardness is useless in front of the Lingyue Divine Sword.

The power of the Lingyue Divine Sword, coupled with Ye Yuxian's cultivation in the realm of supernatural powers, directly penetrated the head of the giant eagle Hai Dongqing.

(End of this chapter)

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