Chapter 1246 Weak and Helpless

Xiong Yu quickly argued: "Who is playing tricks? You are the ones who are playing tricks! My master, grandma, master, and they have won the fair game!"

Yan Wu said: "Of course you said that, you and their family are in the same group."

Xiong Yu got anxious and scolded: "You bastard, you are shameless!"

Yan Wu replied: "Why are we shameless to ask the old man to uphold justice for us? Didn't you just rob us of our things? If you don't believe me, you can ask the old man to send someone to check the luggage of your Xiong Yun mercenary group now. There's our stuff in there!"

This was true, and Xiong Yu couldn't refute it.

He said angrily: "You were the ones who made the move first! We just treated him in the same way!"

Yan Wu smiled and said: "Nonsense, when will we, a small mercenary group like yours, be interested in us in Shuyan City?"

As the saying goes, shameless people are invincible in the world, and the brothers from the Yan family don't blush or breathe when they tell lies, and they do it casually, which is commonplace.

Xiong Yu was furious.

Su Wan walked up unhurriedly, "Mr. Jin, you see that our husband and wife are so weak, pitiful and helpless. You are always a respected senior. If you attack us, we will probably die, little lady." I beg you, for the sake of the old, the young, and the pets, please let us go."



are you sure?

Doesn't your conscience ache when you say this?
There are old and young pets?

Are you a pet?You are a beast! Hey!

The people in Seven Kills City looked at Su Wanyi with strange faces and opened their eyes, talking nonsense.

Mr. Jin nodded when he heard the words: "It's better for you to resolve the conflicts between you young people yourself. My old man has long since ignored Jianghu affairs."

Su Wanyi paved the steps for him, and Mr. Jin happily went down the steps.

Who is willing to take care of the Yan family's mess?
It is true that Shuyan City and Qisha City have a good relationship, but this does not mean that the old man is willing to take care of the troubles caused by the two unscrupulous brothers of the Yan family.

Not to mention that the old man can't take care of this matter. If he really wants to take care of it, I'm afraid it will be ugly.

Their Jin family has always put face first, how can they be ashamed?Never lose it.

"Grandpa, you can't ignore it. If you ignore it, we brothers will..." Hearing this, Yan Wu became anxious.

They came here because they were sure that the people from Qisha City would help them.

Otherwise, they would definitely turn around and leave when they met Su Wanyi head-on!
Mr. Jin pondered for a while, and then said: "Well then, you just said that this group of people used tricks to make you lose, and now my old man is here to watch to make sure they can't trick you, so you should You can win, after all, this family has old, young and pets, they look weak, helpless and pitiful, they should not be the opponent of your majestic Yan family army."

The hopeful Yan Jiajun was dumbfounded by Mr. Jin's words.

They feel that the Seven Killing City, which is a brother city, does not care about the life and death of their Yan family army, which is really unrighteous.

But they couldn't find fault with what Mr. Piansheng Jin said.

Who told Yan Wu just now that the other party played a trick that made them lose.

Yan Wu said again: "But old man, they robbed us!"

Mr. Jin replied calmly: "Don't you just grab something? Isn't this a common thing? Isn't this what you do in Zhuyan City? How can a person not be stabbed in the rivers and lakes? It's always necessary to come out to mess around. Also, if you are robbed of something, you have to find someone else to uphold justice for you, and if it spreads, you don’t feel ashamed, my old man does.”

(End of this chapter)

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