Chapter 1254 The Special Abilities Of Nannie

After chasing for more than ten miles in one breath, Su Wanyi and the others stopped when everyone in Qingshan City was out of breath and felt that they were about to die.

There was another sandstorm in front of my eyes, but this sandstorm was not the same as the black sandstorm, it was not violent.

It's just that the wind and sand covered the eyes, making it difficult to see the direction.

Everyone had to stop.

Everyone got off their mounts, bent down, and nestled beside the ostrich and camel.

There was the sound of wind and sand in my ears.

The sand and dust covered the body layer by layer.

It is not as fierce as the black sandstorm, but it is very grueling.

"Brother Daibao, Nanna can't see." Nannan whispered to Daibao.

"Ninny is not afraid, Brother Daibao is here." Daibao said to her while holding Nannan's hand.

As soon as Daibao opened his mouth, he was facing the wind, and sand got into his mouth.

Dai Bao was busy spitting sand.

But no matter how I spit it out, I can't spit it out.

Dumb is depressed.

"Brother Daibao is not sad, drink some water and spit it out." Nannan said.

I thought it was just that, after all, they have no water now.

But I didn't want my daughter to hold the water in both hands and fumbled to bring the water to Daibao's mouth.

Dai Bao drank the water and successfully spit out the sand in his mouth.

Su Wanyi looked at the actions of the two little guys in her arms in surprise.

"Ninny, where did you get the water?" Su Wanyi asked her in a low voice.

At this moment, there was a wind and sand, and the noise in the ear was relatively loud. People who were far away could not hear their conversation clearly.

"Nannu borrowed it from Xiaocao." Nannan replied.

"Borrowed from Xiaocao?" Su Wanyi asked.

There are some small grasses in the desert, all of which are desert plants with well-developed root systems.

"Yeah, nannie can borrow water from them, but grandpa said that you can't tell outsiders. Brother Daibao and auntie are not outsiders." nannie replied.

Su Wanyi suddenly understood something, could it be that she is...

Ye Yuxian next to him also thought of it, and he groped to pull Huangfu Liang over.

"Huangfuliang, who is my daughter's mother?" Su Wanyi asked Huangfuliang.

As soon as Huangfu Liang heard this, he knew that Su Wanyi and the others already knew her daughter's secret.

Huangfuliang didn't want to hide it from the two of them anymore, and said frankly: "Nannan's mother is from the Heluo clan. I dare not let others know about it. Now that I know that the son and wife are trustworthy people, I will directly said."

Huangfu Liang has been careful to keep this secret.

Because if this secret is leaked out, it may bring death to the daughter.

The Heluo clan is a clan that is said to have the ability to control water.

Because it has been hidden for a long time, and the Heluo clan's ability is passed on from female to male.

The Heluo clan has almost completely disappeared, and the world doesn't even know if there are any capable descendants of this clan.

Changsun Xun's mother is from the Heluo clan, but Changsun Xun is a boy and did not inherit this ability, so he is not a member of the Heluo clan.

Unexpectedly, Nannan turned out to be.

So she can extract water from the plants.

Su Wanyi said to Nannan: "Be good, Nannan, don't use this ability when there are outsiders in the future, do you understand?"

Nanna nodded, "Well, Nanni knows."

Huangfuliang said to Su Wanyi: "Ma'am, if we still can't find the water source in a while, let Nanna try it. She can not only get water from plants, but also from underground rivers hidden in deep places. She can get all the water in the air."

(End of this chapter)

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