Chapter 1260 We know where the desert palace is
The man looked at this human child that he should hate, and his thoughts were complicated for a while.

Ye Yuxian said: "What my son said is not wrong. Not all human beings hate you. Some people just don't understand. Even if you are both human beings, you will be misunderstood. Let alone you have different appearances."

After hearing Ye Yuxian's words, the man subconsciously looked at Su Wanyi beside him.

Su Wanyi probably guessed why the man looked at her at this time, so she explained: "The birthmark on my face is fake, but we have a friend who has a birthmark like this on her face, and she is really not alive. Easy, but she's doing fine now because she's found someone who appreciates her and doesn't mind her appearance."

Although what Su Wan meant was not true, there are indeed people who have experienced this.

The man sneered and said, "Then who should I ask for my hatred?"

Su Wanyi said: "Ask whoever did it. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years, and it's not too late in 30 years. If you find the culprit, you can take revenge as you want."

Su Wanyi would not persuade people to be kind to their enemies.

The man was silent for a while, and then said: "I will listen to your suggestions, but I can't guarantee whether I can do it."

Then the man asked Chu Xingyun again: "How did he die? Who killed such a strong person?"

Chu Xingyun lowered his head: "It was killed by a unique sacrifice method."

The man said silently, "Where's the murderer?"

Chu Xingyun: "The one who is sitting on the world now is that."

The man said: "I don't know who is the one who controls the world now, I only heard from the few words of the travelers that it seems that the Linxiantai family is now the dominant one."

Chu Xingyun nodded: "Yes, it is Linxiantai."

The man asked: "Aren't you going to take revenge?"

Chu Xingyun said: "We are here for revenge. There is a treasure of the Ye family hidden in the endless desert. We want to find the treasure."

The man said: "The endless desert is our place, but we have never seen any treasure."

Chu Xingyun said: "It's a palace, it's been a few years, and it was left by the ancestors of the Ye family."

The man pondered for a moment and said: "Then I know what it is. We have been there several times, but there are only empty palaces there, and there is nothing to take away, and the treasure has never been seen."

Chu Xingyun said: "It should be there, the treasure should be hidden, it is not so easy to find."

Ye family's treasures are not so easy for people to find, even if they know where they are, it will take a lot of effort to get them out.

The man said: "Then I can take you there. You can easily lose your way in the desert, but we won't."

Chu Xingyun hurriedly thanked: "This is the best, thank you so much."

The man sneered and said, "Needless to say thank you, he is our friend. Although we cannot avenge him, it is good to do something for him."

Su Wanyi asked the man: "What kind of poison have these people been poisoned by? Will their lives be in danger?"

Jin Yuhui was also poisoned, and Su Wanyi still cared about her life and death.

The man said: "Among them is sand raccoon feces poison. If you inhale it, you will fall into a hallucination. After a day or two of rest, you will be fine."

Sand raccoon droppings?
"You mean, the yellow smoke just now was produced by you burning sand raccoon excrement?" Su Wanyi asked.

The man nods.

No wonder it smells so bad...

(End of this chapter)

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