Chapter 1262 Little Friendship

Jin Haotian was the only one besides Su Wanyi and his family who was lucky enough to see all this.

From the moment he saw the Mole tribe, he was full of surprises, and he dared not speak in a daze.

It wasn't until now that he ate this sweet watermelon that his mood was completely relaxed.

Everyone ate the desert melon, and after it cooled down, the mole tribe brought up a plate of jerky-like things.

Jin Haotian ate it without thinking too much, and the taste was quite good.

Su Wanyi asked, "What is this made of?"

The female mole tribe couldn't speak, but just waved her hands.

Seeing that Su Wanyi couldn't understand, they turned around and looked for something.

When she came back, she was holding a wriggling worm in her hand, white and fat.

The woman pointed to the jerky that Su Wanyi and the others were eating, and then pointed to the worm in her hand.

"Ouch—" Jin Haotian's face turned pale in an instant, and he retched for a while.

What he ate was... actually... worms.

With a disheveled face, he turned his head to look at Suwan Yidaibao's mother and son, and saw that they hadn't eaten.

Jin Haotian was depressed, why didn't they eat it directly with their seasoned experience, but he just stuffed it in his mouth without asking, and he thought it tasted good at first!

Su Wanyi smiled and patted Jin Haotian's head: "Bugs are rich in protein, they are nourishing, but we are not used to eating them, so don't think too much after eating them. But next time you are outside, if you encounter Don’t put things in your mouth that you don’t know, you know?”

Jin Haotian blushed suddenly.

He... he was touched on the head...

Since he was a child, his grandfather and father only taught him how to be brave and strong as a boy, but no one taught him to pay attention to these.

Jin Haotian, who was patted by Su Wanyi, missed his mother...

A few children of the mole clan hid behind the stone wall and peeked at Su Wanyi and the others timidly.

Dai Bao saw them, and took the initiative to walk over with her daughter.

Nannan is rather shy of strangers, but when her brother Daibao is around, she will be more courageous.

The Mole Clan children were a little scared, but Dumbledore pulled out a bunch of candy from his bosom.

"Here for you to eat." Daibao held the candy.

Okay boy, when everyone's supplies were stolen, your candy was well hidden!

Your ability to hide food is quite good!
Candy was something these kids had never had before.

Those who go into the desert are usually grown-ups, and what the grown-ups go into the desert must be things that are more needed in the desert.

They don't bring candy like this kind of candy that children like to eat more.

The eyes of the mole kids who ate candy for the first time brightened up.

Seeing that they liked it, Daibao gave them all the candies on his body, and he didn't keep any of them.

"You can only eat one a day. If you eat too much, it's bad for your teeth. Mother told Daibao." Daibao told them.

These children received the candies from Daibao and regarded them as treasures, with joyful smiles on their faces.

Daibao and Nannan started playing with them again, seeing this, Jin Haotian couldn't help it anymore.

He also ran over to play with them.

For a while, the cave was filled with the laughter of children.

Seeing this scene, the adults of the desert mole tribe felt very complicated.

This was the scene they had been looking forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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