Chapter 1268 Daibao is really his pistachio
Changsun Xun walked to the place where Su Wanyi and the others camped, and Venerable Terzang followed.

At this time, Jin Yuhui was cooking, surrounded by Su Wanyi and a few children.

"Mrs. Han, are you safe?" Chang Sun Xun said hello to Su Wanyi.

"It's all right." Su Wanyi replied perfunctorily, all his attention was on the meal that Jin Yuhui was cooking.

Hearing this, Venerable Fu Zang said: "You woman is really rude. You are so perfunctory when Mr. Xun talks to you!"

Su Wanyi then turned her head and looked over.

Who is this person?She talked to Changsun Xun, but Changsun Xun didn't say anything, what is this guy trying to do here?
Changsun Xun said to Venerable Terzang, "I'm greeting Mrs. Han, don't mind your own business."

Venerable Fu Zang wanted to defend Changsun Xun, but was reprimanded by Changsun Xun instead, and the expression on his face looked very dissatisfied.

Su Wanyi even caught a trace of grievance in the eyes of Venerable Terzang.

It seems that the venerable terma is quite concerned about Changsun Xun.

The smell of delicious food made Su Wanyi have no extra attention to give to Venerable Terzang, so she continued to watch Jin Yuhui cook.

Following Changsun Xun, he said to Daibao with a smile: "Little Daibao, can you let me have a bowl of rice?"

Daibao looked at Changsun Xun and replied, "It's okay for a good-looking uncle, but not for this one."

Daibao pointed to the Venerable Terzo next to him and said.

Changsun Xun laughed loudly, "Why can I but he can't? Isn't he good-looking?"

In terms of appearance alone, Venerable Terzang is not ugly.

Daibao said: "But there is very little food. The good-looking uncle also gave you food because of the Daibao that I gave Daibao before. It's just that the good-looking ones are not enough to exchange for food."

That is to say, when you are outside, you still have a chance to get something to eat if you are good-looking.

But now in the desert, food is limited, so just looking good is not enough.

"Hahahaha..." Changsun Xun burst into laughter after hearing this.

Daibao is really his joy.

I can laugh for a long time when I see him.

But Daibao looked disgusted, the good-looking uncle seemed to have trouble with his head, and he was stupid, smiling like a fool.

Venerable Terzang's face turned ugly again.

He looked at Changsun Xun who had a bright smile on his face, and he didn't understand why a few casual words from a child could make him so happy.

And no matter what he did, he didn't want to look at himself more.

He even harbored deep hostility towards him.

Venerable Fu Zang reminded Changsun Xun: "Young Master Xun, it's better not to get too close to them, just in case there will be a fight later."

Chang Sun Xun replied with a smile: "If you have wine today, you will be drunk today. What do you think about so much before things happen? Let's talk about it when we really become enemies."

Venerable Fu Zang said: "I am doing it for the good of Mr. Xun."

Chang Sun Xun said: "For my own good, don't stay by my side all the time. Those who don't know think you are spying on me."

Chang Sun Xun had a smile on his face, but his eyes were not so kind.

"I'm not watching you, I'm protecting you. Someone may show up here at any time and do you harm." Venerable Terzang explained.

"Although my cultivation is not as good as yours, it's not that I don't even have this ability." Changsun Xun said.

Venerable Fu Zang stared at Chang Sun Xun for a while, he didn't want to make Chang Sun Xun too angry, so he obeyed Chang Sun Xun and walked away.

But when he left, he ordered his subordinates to protect Changsun Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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