Chapter 1270 Is Vinegar Delicious
"Did you feel anything?" Su Wanyi asked Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian shook his head.

Su Wanyi said, "So many people are staring at you, but you don't feel it?"

It turned out that she was talking about this feeling.

Only then did Ye Yuxian notice that someone around seemed to be looking at him.

A large number of people gathered in the desert palace, and many of them cast strange glances at Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi and his wife.

Most of the people staring at Ye Yuxian were women.

Who made this bastard have a face that can easily deceive a woman's heart?
Especially at this time, standing next to him was an ugly woman with a fake birthmark painted on her face that looked hideous.

Ye Yuxian bent down, smiled and whispered in Su Wanyi's ear, "Is your wife jealous?"

Hearing his tone, he was quite proud.

It would be a pleasure to think about it to make the daughter-in-law jealous.

"Hmph." Su Wanyi hummed to Ye Yuxian, letting him experience it for himself.

"Hahaha." Ye Yuxian smiled smugly, and then said to Su Wanyi: "If you wash off the birthmark painted on your face, I'll be jealous instead."

Su Wanyi said: "Does the vinegar taste good? Tell Miss Jin that night and ask her to put more for you."

Ye Yuxian replied with a bright smile: "Only drink yours."

Su Wanyi blushed, and said, "Hurry up and find the treasure."

The couple were frolicking, and there was a commotion next to them.

Only a loud "bang" was heard, and everyone around retreated more than ten meters away.

It turned out that someone was trying to break the rock.

Because everyone searched around the palace, but found no trace of the treasure, some people suspected that the treasure was hidden in the wall.

So someone launched an attack on the boulder wall.

The wall was hit, and the sand on the surface was thrown everywhere, but the stone itself was unscathed.

The people next to him began to scold: "You don't want to live, don't take us with you, if you collapse the palace, we will all be buried here!"

Those who attacked the wall quit: "Go away if you're afraid of death! You're so afraid of destroying a wall, what treasure are you looking for? It's better to go home obediently and stay there!"

"What are you going to get out of? Why do you have to say get out of here? It's you who should get out of here. We came here first!"

"Why do you come first and come later? You said that this palace is now yours! There is no owner of this palace, and the Ye family is dead. Unless you say you are the Ye family, then you still have a little bit of power over me. Otherwise, no matter what you do to this palace, you won’t be able to control it!”

"What are you proud of? Isn't it because the people at Linxiantai haven't made a move yet, if Linxiantai makes a move, can you still be as embarrassing as you are now?"

"Aren't you convinced? Do you want to fight? Just because you are useless, you have the nerve to fight with us!"

"What? Do you think we can't beat you? Stop talking! What kind of shit!"

People on both sides were arguing red-faced, and they were about to fight.

At this moment, a white-haired man walked in. As soon as he appeared, the two parties who were arguing just now stopped immediately.

When looking at the white-haired man, everyone was silent, not daring to breathe.

Just now they looked like big bad wolves, but in the next second they turned into little white rabbits.

The appearance of the man aroused Su Wanyi's curiosity.

Who is this person, and why did everyone have such a big reaction after seeing him?
A man who looks quite young, why is his hair all white?

(End of this chapter)

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