Chapter 1272 What is missing

The compass may not only be something that guides you to find the palace, but it may also be the key to open it.

Venerable Terzang was very excited, with a look of surprise on his face.

Venerable Qingyu's expression didn't seem to change, but his heart was also excited, this was already his last hope.

Others don't know the situation, but looking at Linxiantai's reaction, it seems that they have made a major discovery.

Their hearts also rose, feeling nervous.

Venerable Fu Zang hurriedly urged Zhang Sun Xun: "Try it quickly."

After Changsun Xun hesitated for a while, he took the compass and walked with the sword again, flew to the roof, and closed the compass in his hand to the pattern on it.

The compass is closed.

Just the right size.

It fits perfectly.

I feel like I've found the right place.

The crowd waited with both excitement and apprehension.


1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes passed.

Nothing happens.

Nothing changes.

Another 5 minutes passed.

Still nothing.

Changsun Xun waited on it dully for 10 minutes, but got nothing.

Changsun Xun could only go back below.

Everyone looked disappointed.

Venerable Terzang felt that this should not be the case: "It doesn't make sense, it's all closed, there should be no reaction at all."

Changsun Xun didn't know why, he could only look at the compass in his hand and shake his head.

Changsun Xun handed the compass to Venerable Terzo: "Go and try."

So Venerable Tertō went up to the roof and tried it.

The result of the experiment was the same as Changsun Xun's.

Neither the compass nor the palace responded.

"Could it be that we made a mistake? This pattern is just a decoration, and the compass is not the key to unlock the treasure?" Venerable Terzo said.

Venerable Qing Yu frowned and looked at the roof: "This is the center of the entire desert palace, there should be no mistake."

Venerable Terzang said, "But I have tried it and there is no response."

After thinking about it, Venerable Qingyu said, "Maybe it's because there is something missing."

The Venerable Terzang asked, "Is there something missing? This compass was just like this when it was discovered in Linxiantai. Nothing is missing."

Venerable Qingyu said: "Qingqiu opened the compass, and he may know the mystery."

Venerable Terzang said: "Others are dead, so I can't ask him anymore."

Su Wanyi also felt that the white-haired man's guess was right, they still lacked something.

Everyone was lost in thought.

Now the situation has reached a stalemate.

People from Qisha City and Xiongyun Mercenary Group also walked in.

"Master and grandma, did you find anything?" Xiong Yu asked.

"I found something that might be a key, but I didn't open it." Su Wanyi replied.

"What?! Found the key?" Xiong Yu almost jumped up excitedly.

"Isn't it just the discovery of a key? What's there to be excited about?" Mr. Jin said calmly.

The attraction of treasures to him is far less than that of a martial arts master.

Master Jin's gaze was attracted by Venerable Qing Yu.

"You are Venerable Qingyu, right? Are you interested in making gestures with the old man?"

Although Mr. Jin's most desired opponent is someone from the Ye family, but if he can't find anyone from the Ye family, it is also possible to find a well-known master in the world.

"I don't want to make gestures with you." Venerable Qing Yu refused decisively.

"Why? Do you think my old man is not worthy to compete with you? Do you look down on my old man?" Mr. Jin was not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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