Chapter 1274 The Terrifying Strength of Venerable Qingyu

Someone dropped the tool in his hand and was very angry: "Damn it, a lot of people died on the way here. After finally arriving, there was nothing."

Someone retreated: "Forget it, let's evacuate early and stop the loss in time. If we run out of food and water later, we will all die in the desert."

Everyone's mood is not very good.

At this time Venerable Qingyu said to Venerable Terzang, "Take Mr. Xun and step back."

"What are you going to do?" Venerable Terzang looked at Venerable Qingyu with a bad feeling.

Venerable Qing Yu didn't answer, but formed a seal with his hands on his chest, and the powerful and surging combat power lingered around his body.

The dust beneath his feet vibrated.

The power was so strong that everyone had to retreat.

A few daggers flew out of Venerable Qingyu's sleeves.

Su Wanyi counted, there were eight in total.

Fly to the eight directions of the palace respectively.

Once in position, the dagger plunged into the ground.

In an instant, everyone was in the formation of Venerable Qing Yu, and the battle strength of Venerable Qing Yu was everywhere in the formation.

A strong suppressive force caused cold sweat to break out on the foreheads of many people.

Involuntary reaction of chest tightness and shortness of breath.

This oppressive force is really terrifying!

Changsun Xun couldn't help but be amazed, he had known for a long time that Venerable Qingyu was the most powerful of the four protectors.

But even so, this scene was beyond his imagination.

Venerable Terzo also showed a look of surprise.

As one of the four guardians of Linxiantai, Venerable Terzang has always known that Venerable Qingyu's cultivation level is higher than his own.

But before, I saw that he didn't care much about anything, but this was the first time I saw him serious.

Unexpectedly, he was so terrifying when he was serious!

Mr. Jin was surprised when he saw it, and then his eyes shone with light.

This Venerable Qingyu actually has such terrifying strength!

What level of cultivation is this?The pinnacle of the divine realm?Probably more than that!
How old is Venerable Qing Yu to have such a high level of cultivation?
At such an age and such a cultivation level, Mr. Jin has only seen it on that person from the Ye family back then!

Ye Yuxian was also surprised by it.

He had fought against the ghost-faced arhat before. Although the strength of the ghost-faced arhat was good, it was far inferior to this Qingyu venerable.

While everyone was shocked, Venerable Qing Yu's sword also plunged into the ground in front of him.

The long sword in front and the daggers located in eight directions are connected to each other, forming a powerful gossip array.

With the sword as the point, Venerable Qingyu's combat power operates in the form of gossip in the formation. The internal organs of the people who are too late to retreat in the formation are trembling after being affected, and those with lower self-cultivation even have violent viscera. Symptoms of pain.

And this power is still growing.

As the combat power in the formation became more and more ferocious, some people with weaker cultivation directly fainted.

Venerable Qing Yu didn't intend to attack the people in the formation, these fainted people were only affected by his formation.

It's hard to imagine, if he is a planner, what kind of terrifying force the people in the formation will face at this moment.

Just when the combat power reached its peak, all the combat power rushed to the ground in an instant.


There was a loud noise, the whole ground trembled, and everyone's ears were buzzing.

It felt like being in the center of an explosion.

Dust rose all over the ground, and countless cracks appeared on the ground of the entire palace.

(End of this chapter)

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