Chapter 1284 I'm Probably Your Wife Wife Grandpa
Just as Su Wanyi was thinking, she felt the little guy in her stomach move again.

"Mother, are you okay?" Dai Bao frowned, his little face was full of worry.

"I'm fine, but your sister is very noisy." Su Wanyi didn't know why the child in her belly reacted so violently.

"Sister must have been quarreled, there is a voice that keeps talking, it's very noisy." Dai Bao said.

Is there a voice speaking?

Su Wanyi didn't hear anything.

"I heard that too." Ye Yuxian said.

"So only your Ye family heard it?" Su Wanyi guessed.

Ye Yuxian nodded her head, it is very likely so.

"Zilong, Zilong..." Su Wanyi tentatively called Zilong, wanting to ask about Zilong's situation here.

It turned out that Zilong didn't respond when she called Zilong, and she lost contact with Zilong.

"Stop shouting, this is the absolute space created by the ancestors of the Ye family, which is exclusive to the Ye family. Other creatures, even dragons, cannot enter."

An old voice sounded, and this time Su Wanyi could hear it too.

Then, a white-haired old man came out of the white light and appeared in front of the family of three.

Looking at the old man, both Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi had suspicious expressions on their faces.

The old man looked at the family, sighed and shook his head and said: "Could it be that there are only three descendants of my Ye family? Isn't this too pitiful? I almost lost my children and grandchildren. In my generation, the Ye family Ding is quite prosperous! What happened to the group of useless things in the back? Don’t you know how to spread branches and leaves?”

Su Wanyi said: "I am not from your Ye family, although I am married to your surname Ye."

The old man said: "That's right, you are the daughter-in-law of the Ye family. Normally, you can't come in, but the one in your belly is the right one, and the one in your belly has to come in, so you have to come in too."

It turned out to be the case.

Ye Yuxian asked: "Listen to your tone, are you the ancestor of my Ye family?"

The old man nodded: "Yes, I'm probably your wife, wife, and grandfather."

Daibao then said, "Then you are Daibao's wife, wife, and grandfather."

The old man looked at Dai Bao, smiled and praised: "You are indeed a descendant of my Ye family, a clever little ghost."

Ye Yuxian asked again: "What happened just now, where are the others besides us?"

The old man took out the compass, the one that had been watered by Dumb's boy's urine.

Seeing the old man holding the compass with his bare hands, the family of three looked a little embarrassed.

"Just now, someone put the compass soaked in Ye family's blood in the place where it should be placed. At the same time, someone used the demon-breaking arrow to destroy the enchantment that someone made for this palace. Only then did the palace be opened and the Ye family was released. What the ancestors left here."

The blood of the compass was obtained by Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi before, but there was no reaction at that time, so they thought it hadn't worked.

As for the demon-breaking arrow breaking through the barrier, it was purely accidental. Su Wanyi wanted to get rid of Venerable Qing Yu, but all the arrows hit the palace.

The old man said, and smelled the compass, and said: "I said great-great-great-great-grandson, why does your blood smell a bit strange, there should be nothing wrong with your body, right?"

"Cough cough." Ye Yuxian covered his mouth and coughed, "Aside from my blood, there's also your great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren's urine on it."

When the old man heard this, his hand holding the compass trembled, his old face was stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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