Chapter 1296 Uncle White, You Are Really Not Bad

"Uncle White Hair, you know they are bad, why do you still want to be with them?" Daibao asked in confusion.

Those eyes staring at Venerable Qingyu were very clear and clean.

Venerable Qingyu looked down at Daibao for a while, his gaze was as deep as an invisible abyss.

Venerable Qingyu commented on Daibao: "The world of children is pure."

Dai Bao was not convinced: "Then uncle, tell Dai Bao how troublesome it can be! It can be very simple."

Venerable Qingyu closed his eyes, recalling the scene when he entered Linxiantai.

It was he himself who begged Linxiantai to accept him as a disciple.

In the snowy season, he knelt on the snow-covered steps for a day and a night.

Until it was seen by the Immortal Lord, he brought it into Linxiantai himself.

The fairy master said that he liked his stubbornness.

He also said that he himself had made it through this stubbornness back then.

Why did he go to Linxiantai?

Because he wants to change his destiny.

I am not reconciled to being a short-lived ghost.

Linxiantai is the supreme place in the world, where you can get things and information that you can't get in other places.

After the memory was over, Venerable Qingyu opened his eyes again, and met Daibao's angry little face, "If you want to say it is simple, it can be very simple. What I want is to cure my illness, Linxiantai If you can help me, I will naturally stay in Linxiantai, if others can, then I can also choose to listen to others."

"Then what's wrong with you, Uncle White?" Dai Bao asked curiously.

"I was born with a dead pulse, and it was declared that I would not live to be 20 years old. Do you know what a dead pulse is? It means that my tendons are thinner and more fragile than others. It became unbearable pain, and finally died because the Qi and blood could not function normally."

Upon hearing this, Dai Bao nodded seriously, "That's really simple."

Venerable Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect his explanation to get a comment of "That's really simple".

Venerable Qingyu looked at Daibao and smiled.

He was laughing at himself, why would he say such a thing to a child.

He probably didn't even understand what he said.

He was really confused and wasted his time communicating with children.

Is he still expecting the child to understand what he says?
Venerable Qingyu didn't want to continue wasting time with Daibao, so he bypassed Daibao and planned to find Su Wanyi.

Suddenly Daibao stepped forward quickly, and grabbed Venerable Qingyu's wrist with his small hand.

Venerable Qing Yu's first reaction was to fight back, but because the opponent was a child, he hesitated for a while.

Fortunately, he hesitated, otherwise he might accidentally injure the child.

Daibao just grabbed Venerable Qingyu's wrist and did not do anything to hurt him.

"You let go." Venerable Qing Yu warned, "If you don't let go, I can only be rough on you."

Venerable Qingyu didn't really want to be rough on an innocent child.

Instead of letting go, Dai Bao clenched even tighter.

This made Venerable Qingyu frowned, his eyes were complicated, and his expression seemed tangled.

He didn't want to waste time, but he didn't really want to do anything to Daibao.

Dai Bao raised his head suddenly, and showed a big smile to Venerable Qing Yu with his small face up.

"You really aren't bad, Uncle Bai." Daibao smiled grinningly.

Daibao knew that if Uncle Bai was a bad guy, he would have beaten him just now.

(End of this chapter)

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