Chapter 1301 Bewitched by a Gu technique?
Venerable Terzang said in amazement: "Verun Qingyu, are you not mistaken? It was this woman who wanted to kill you just now!"

Chang Sun Xun also wanted to ask this question.

What changed Gu Qingyu's attitude and made him turn around and start protecting the family?

Gu Qingyu replied: "Something happened, now I am Daibao's bodyguard, and anyone who threatens his life is my enemy."

"" Venerable Terzo looked at Gu Qingyu, especially his eyes, "Have you been drugged or have you been bewitched?"

If it wasn't for being drugged and bewitched, how could such a transformation happen in such a short period of time?

Gu Qingyu's face was calm, and her eyes were flat but determined, "What I'm doing has never changed."

Whether you joined Linxiantai in the past, or choose to follow a child now.

His plan has never changed.

Venerable Fu Zang's face was very disheveled, and his voice to Gu Qingyu became cold and hard, "Are you sure? Do you know what you mean by doing this?"

Gu Qingyu replied firmly: "I know what I'm doing, I'm sure."

"Okay, okay!" Venerable Terzang gritted his teeth, "This is your choice! Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance, you should be very clear about how Linxiantai dealt with traitors!"

The corner of Gu Qingyu's mouth raised a smile, the wind was calm and calm, and she didn't show any panic.

"Let's talk about it then, you can't do anything to us now."

No matter how excited Venerable Terzang is, he should understand who is the weaker party now.

He and the other disciples of Linxiantai are very clear about Venerable Qingyu's cultivation.

They also saw a thing or two about Su Wanyi's cultivation just now.

Not to mention that Su Wanyi's husband is not an easy character to mess with.

"Good! Good!" Venerable Tertō gritted his teeth.

I feel resentful and unfair in my heart, but I also understand the truth that a hero does not suffer from immediate losses.

He pulled Changsun Xun up, turned his head and left.

Changsun Xun's eyes stayed on Gu Qingyu for a long time, but the confusion in his eyes remained undiminished.

It took a long while before he reluctantly turned his gaze back.

Not long after the two left, suddenly a stone fell from the top of everyone's head.

The densely packed stones fell on everyone like rain.

The stone was smashed fast and fiercely, it didn't seem like it fell naturally, but more like it was pushed down from above by a strong force.

Everyone quickly dodges.

I saw one stone after another passing by the crowd, smashing into the magma below, stirring up a wave of magma and then disappearing.

The situation suddenly became chaotic again.

Su Wanyi let Dai Bao hang on her body, so that she could free up one hand.

Daibao hung on Su Wanyi's back like a koala, holding Su Wanyi firmly.

Nannan was held in Su Wanyi's arms.

Nannan looked at Daibao on the back, her little face was full of worry: "Brother Daibao, be careful."

The shaking was a bit severe, and Nanni was really worried that Daibao would be thrown off.

Dai Bao giggled, not worried at all, "Sister Nannan, don't worry, Brother Daibao is fine."

Nannan still pulled out a hand and firmly grasped Daibao's sleeve.

You can't let Brother Daibao fall down!

Nannan looked serious and cute, if Daibao really fell, it would be impossible to catch her with the strength of her little hands.

(End of this chapter)

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