Chapter 1303
Jin Yuhui didn't want all three of them to die.

In order to keep her father and nephew alive, she can sacrifice herself.

"Fart!" Mr. Jin scolded the same words, "Although I am old, old man, I am not so useless that I can't even protect my family!"

But Jin Yuhui said: "Father, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. It doesn't matter if I die, as long as Haotian is still alive."

As soon as Jin Yuhui finished speaking, she saw Jin Haotian firmly grasping her arm.

"Auntie, if you fall, I will fall with you! Today we will die together, we will live together, and we must all live together!"

Jin Haotian's childish face was serious with anger, and his eyes were firm.

He was angry because his aunt wanted to give up her life to protect him.

He didn't want his aunt to exchange his life for his.

"Haotian, you..." Jin Yuhui frowned, her heart was heavy and complicated, and her eyes were filled with pain.

Immediately afterwards, the falling rocks became more and more violent, and the magma under their feet was getting closer.

Everyone could feel the blazing heat under their feet, and everyone was sweating hotly from the heat.

There was even a hot burning sensation on the soles of the feet.

Those who were hesitant to abandon their companions to survive alone just now also began to make choices.

Another group of people fell into the lava.

And those masters of the supernatural realm who have no burdens are heading upwards one after another.

It is not known what is on top of their heads and whether it is safe.

But they felt it would at least be safer than where they were now.

Those who persist are facing a great test of human nature.

Some people give up constantly, some people die, but some people still choose to live and die together with their companions.

Su Wanyi's family, Jin's family, and Xiong Yu's family are still holding on.

Finally the magma reached her feet, Jin Yuhui closed her eyes, she thought they couldn't escape, she thought they were going to die soon.

But after waiting for a long time, not only did he not wait until his body was engulfed by magma, but the surroundings also returned to silence.

When Jin Yuhui opened her eyes again, the surroundings were already peaceful, there was no magma under her feet, and no rocks falling from her head.

"What's going on?" Jin Yuhui, like everyone else, looked at everything around her in amazement.

At this time, the animal head appeared again, "Congratulations on passing this level. This level tests your cultivation and your character."

To survive in that situation, the first thing is to have enough cultivation.

Only after the cultivation base has reached the realm of divine movement can one fly with the sword and survive in such a desperate situation.

But it's not enough to cultivate to reach the realm of godliness.

More importantly, he has the heart to protect others.

And those who chose to protect others from the beginning, and persisted until the end without letting go of their companion's hand, are the ones who cleared the level last.

Everyone immediately understood.

Followed by the beast head, he said: "You survivors go to the side first to rest, the next test does not belong to you."

Strictly speaking, those who are rescued are not passers, so they are not eligible to enter the next link.

After the beast head finished speaking, those people suddenly fell, their bodies sank into the white ground, and disappeared without a trace.

Su Wanyi glared at the beast head: "Where did you get them?!"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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