Chapter 1307

They also tossed all night.

It's normal to be hungry.

But now everything around has been damaged.

The collapsed desert palace buried their tents nearby.

There is their food and water in it.

Even the camels they brought were smashed to death, some escaped, and it is estimated that they would not come back by themselves.

At this moment, everyone fell into a predicament.

How to leave the desert and how to obtain new food and water sources have become problems.

Everyone's mood was like a roller coaster. Just now they were immersed in the joy of the rest of their life after the catastrophe, and now they were facing a new death test.

This feeling of ups and downs is really... indescribable.

Everyone can only be like a group of ants on a hot pot, wandering around on the sand.

Look for supplies that can be used, try to move the stones to find the food under the stones.

And this process yields little.

Half an hour later, Su Wanyi came back.

Come out of a door that suddenly appeared connecting time and space.

After she came out, that time and space was closed.

Seeing Su Wanyi coming back, everyone surrounded her.

They tried to find the shadow of the treasure on Su Wanyi's body.

But Su Wanyi left completely, and came back completely.

The only thing beside her is her divine bow.

The Divine Bow is indeed a treasure, but it is not the treasure they are looking for this time.

Everyone didn't see the shadow of the treasure on Su Wanyi's body, they were both curious and puzzled.

They wanted to ask, but they were scared back by Ye Yuxian who had a cold face in front of them.

Dai Bao was super happy to see his mother come back.

"Mother, mother, come quickly, Daibao is going to starve to death!"

Daibao couldn't wait.

Jin Haotian couldn't help splashing Daibao's cold water, "Even if your mother comes back, you still have nothing to eat."

Daibao tilted his head: "Daibao is waiting for mother to come and have dinner."

Jin Haotian was speechless: "Your mother has nothing to eat, and you won't be able to cook when she comes back!"

There is no such thing as a woman who has a meal!

Daibao replied: "But Daibao has food! Daibao is waiting for mother to come to eat together, not asking mother to bring food to Daibao."

Daibao looked at Jin Haotian with such a stupid look.

"You..." Jin Haotian walked up and down Daibao, "Where do you have anything to eat?"

Nannan hurriedly helped Daibao and replied: "Brother Daibao has hidden a lot of food, and Nannan and Brother Daibao hid it together!"

Jin Haotian said: "You two don't have anything to hide on your body, just the little snacks in your pockets won't fill your stomach."

Daibao said, "Daibao didn't hide it on his body."

Of course, you can't hide much stuff in your body.

Brother Haotian is stupid.

Jin Haotian was also confused by Daibao, "If you didn't hide it on your body, where else could you hide it? The tents have all been damaged, and everyone's food is gone."

Dai Bao giggled, "It's coming soon."

Who is Daibao talking about?
Not only Jin Haotian was surprised, even his grandfather and aunt were puzzled for a while.

Just wondering, suddenly something in the sky was flying towards them.

It's a little far away, so I can't quite see what that thing looks like.

When they got closer, everyone saw that it was a big knife, and a huge package was tied with a rope to the handle of the big knife.

Just like that, a knife and a package flew in the air.

This... what is this situation?
 Six more

(End of this chapter)

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