Chapter 1314
To this, Venerable Fu Zang replied confidently: "As a person of Linxiantai, it is natural to protect Linxiantai. If someone betrays Linxiantai, and someone provokes Linxiantai, it is normal for me to defend Linxiantai. You know, I am also guilty of the same crime!"

Tertō justified his actions.

Changsun Xun finally gave up.

Originally, he planned to save something for the sake of Venerable Terzo's choice at the critical moment in the mysterious space.

But since he chose so himself, he no longer hesitated.

Changsun Xun continued to ask Venerable Terzang: "Then what reason do you think I can use to persuade them to understand you? How are you going to face Gu Qingyu who has betrayed Linxiantai?"

Venerable Fu Zang said: "In the endless desert, they can be so arrogant, but after leaving the endless desert, they also have to face the pursuit of Linxiantai. They can't escape, and the only thing waiting for them is death. And I can help them plead and explain."

In the heart of Venerable Terzang, Linxiantai is an absolutely invincible existence, an insurmountable existence, and an existence that everyone must submit to.

Therefore, he firmly believed that anyone who violated Linxiantai would not end well.

Therefore, I also believe that this condition of myself is convincing.

Changsun Xun made him laugh again, but he chose to agree to Venerable Terzang's request.

"Okay, I promise you, I will help you mediate, but I don't guarantee whether they can promise you."

Seeing that Changsun Xun had compromised, Venerable Terzang showed joy.

He knew that Mr. Xun was still heading towards Linxiantai.

Linxiantai is always the first.

In order to visit Xiantai, it is not impossible to sacrifice a friend.

What's more, he has already promised Mr. Xun not to hurt his friend's life.

Half an hour later, Tuantuan called the red-capped ostriches.

Changsun Xun also joined the team with Venerable Terzang.

Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and the others did not object.

Everyone rode on the red-capped ostrich and left in a hurry.

The people who were left behind looked at the backs of the people who had gone away, envious.

There were even those who were unwilling to put on the closet, and chased the red-capped ostrich for several miles, and had to give up until they were chased away by the red-capped ostrich.

The red-capped ostrich led the crowd and ran all the way, and stopped suddenly after running away from the crowd.

Venerable Fu Zang was very puzzled, just as he was about to ask Chang Sun Xun, he saw Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and the others got off the back of the red-capped ostrich and strolled up to him.

Several people looked at him with half-smiles.

Su Wan said with a smile, "When will the giant eagle Hai Dongqing summoned by His Holiness arrive?"

Hearing this, His Holiness Terzang was startled, and then pretended to be stupid: "What giant eagle, Haidongqing?"

Su Wanyi smiled lightly, "It's those disciples who carry you to Xiantai, they can swoop down at any time to attack the giant eagle Hai Dongqing of our red-capped ostrich team."

Venerable Tertō's eyes widened, "How do you know so clearly?"

Su Wanyi said: "Your family's Haidongqing has been killed by us so many, if you still can't guess this, then we really grew a head for nothing as a decoration."

"You already knew?" Venerable Tertang's face was very ugly.

Su Wanyi nodded with a smile. While her smile was bright and beautiful, it also made people feel flustered.

"Since you know, why do you still agree?" Venerable Terzang asked.

 Thirteen more
(End of this chapter)

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