Chapter 1316 Venerable Tertō collapsed
Chang Sun Xun continued: "After I go out, I will declare to the outside world that Mrs. Han's attack on Venerable Qingyu was just a misunderstanding. Even Venerable Qingyu himself has forgiven Mrs. Han. The misunderstanding is resolved and everyone is happy."

"No! No! This is not true! Why did you do this? The Immortal Lord treats you so well and values ​​you so much!" Venerable Terzang was full of disbelief.

"Be nice to me? Take me seriously? Then do you know that my mother died at his hands?" Chang Sun Xun's eyes were full of hatred that couldn't be resolved.

He usually hides this hatred very well.

" is this possible..." Venerable Tertang was greatly shocked.

Venerable Fu Zang looked at Changsun Xun in front of him.

He thought he knew him well.

It turned out that he didn't really understand at all.

He didn't even find out that there was a mother-killing feud between him and the fairy master.

He always thought that he was the most trusted and valued person by the fairy master, and he might even be the fairy master's successor.

He never expected that the facts were completely opposite to what he thought.

Within a day, Venerable Qingyu betrayed Linxiantai, and Changsun Xun had been colluding with outsiders to make Linxiantai an enemy.

The successive blows almost crushed the inner world of Venerable Terzo.

Unlike others, he was born in Linxiantai and grew up in Linxiantai.

For him, Linxiantai is the supreme existence and the law of this world.

The Immortal Lord is the absolute supreme ruler.

He grew up in such an atmosphere with such an education.

But at this moment, the person he trusts and cares about the most has shattered his worldview.

Changsun Xun felt a little soft-hearted when he saw Venerable Terzang in pain.

He also knew that Venerable Terzo grew up in Linxiantai and was instilled with such thoughts since he was a child.

With a sigh, Chang Sun Xun said to Su Wanyi and Ye Yuxian, "Can you leave him to me?"

Ye Yuxian nodded, giving Changsun Xun full trust, "Let the eldest grandson handle it."

After handing over the nearly collapsed Terzo to Changsun Xun, Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi turned their attention to the other side.

Those Haidongqings carrying reinforcements from Linxiantai should arrive soon, and there will be a fight between them.

As expected, after a stick of incense, three giant eagles, Haidongqing, appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Hai Dongqing has acquaintances on his back, all of whom are first-class masters in Linxiantai.

At this time, everyone was ready to face the battle.

Everyone at Linxiantai in the sky vaguely felt that something was wrong on the ground.

But they can't tell what's wrong. Their Young Master Xun and Venerable Fu Zang are below. According to the original plan, they should swoop down and take Hai Dongqing to surprise the group of people who are daring to oppose Linxiantai. A blood lesson.

However, halfway through Hai Dongqing's rush, he saw three people flying with swords flying towards them.

The three men are Ye Yuxian, Gu Qingyu and Chu Xingyun.

The three of them aimed at a sea dongqing one by one, and they made a decisive move, which was a killer move.

The three of them seemed to be fighting in secret, one more fierce than the other.

The aura is fully activated, the combat power is fully activated, and the firepower is fully activated.

The Linxiantai disciples on Hai Dongqing's back fell down one by one.

Xiong Yu didn't want to be idle, so he hurriedly took his brothers and charged towards the disciples who fell down, killing them one by one.

 fifteen more
(End of this chapter)

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