Chapter 1318 I Didn't Expect The Father And Daughter To Be Alive
After finishing off the people in Linxiantai, Ye Yuxian called Hei Jing out, and Su Wanyi took Daibao Nannan and Chu Xingyun to sit on Hei Jing's body.

Let the extra red-capped ostrich go back to the Jin family.

The reason why I didn't take the Jin family away just now was that I didn't want the Jin family to be involved in this matter.

Four days later, Su Wanyi and the others walked out of the endless desert and returned to the small town next to the desert.

Before entering the town, Su Wanyi and the others got off the red-capped ostrich.

Anyway, there was no cargo left, so they could walk back on foot.

"Go back and say hello to the Mole tribe. If you have any troubles in the future, you can ask the Mole tribe for help."

After Su Wanyi finished talking to the red-capped ostriches, she let them go back.

Having left the endless desert, Xiong Yu still couldn't recover.

"I really didn't expect that we have experienced so many things this trip." Xiong Yu was deeply moved.

What he did this time was more thrilling than what he had done in the past few decades.

Even in Linxiantai, they had a head-on fight, and thinking about it now, they are still a little excited.

He had just returned to the inn in the town, and was about to have a big meal, but he didn't want to meet a few old acquaintances.

Tie Fengyi, did not expect that she was still alive.

After they let the Yan family brothers go, they actually walked out of the endless desert alive after being robbed of camels and supplies by the Yan family brothers.

When Tie Fengyi saw Su Wanyi and the others, her eyes were full of resentment.

She stepped forward quickly, came to Su Wanyi and the others, and angrily reprimanded: "It's all you! It's all your fault! If you hadn't angered the Yan family brothers, how could our iron-blooded mercenary group have suffered?" All of this? You are the ones who caused our iron-blooded mercenary group to fall apart! You are the ones who caused us to lose our mission items, and you are the ones who caused us to face huge compensation!"

Su Wanyi responded indifferently: "Don't blame others for everything, think carefully about your own problems first."

Tie Fengyi sneered, "I admit that I was wrong, I made a mistake in judgment, but do you dare to say that you were not the ones who caused the big trouble for the Shangyan family? Do you dare to say that without you, our iron-blooded mercenary group would still be defeated by the Yan family brothers?" Made it so bad?"

Tie Shengxuan heard the voice upstairs, ran down hastily, and pulled Tie Fengyi away from Su Wanyi.

"Fengyi, stop making trouble." Tie Shengxuan scolded Tie Fengyi, then turned to Su Wanyi and said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Han, my daughter is young and ignorant, if you offend me, please ask Haihan to go back. I'll give her a good reprimand after that."

The father and daughter were able to leave the endless desert alive because of good luck. If they hadn't met a nobleman at a critical moment, they would have died in the desert long ago.

Tie Shengxuan, who escaped from death, did not want to have anything to do with Su Wanyi and the others.

Tie Shengxuan was about to drag Tie Fengyi away when another person came down from upstairs.

This person holds a paper fan and is well-dressed.

The face is like a crown of jade, and a pair of peach blossom eyes are full of smiles.

It's not the best looking, but it's not bad either.

It's just that this smile made Su Wanyi feel very frivolous.

"Captain Tie, Miss Tie, could it be that these people are the bullying bastards who caused you to lose the supplies?"

The man closed the paper fan in his hand, looking contemptuously.

Hearing this, Tie Fengyi cried to the man, "Engong guessed right, it's these people!"

(End of this chapter)

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